Chapter 21 - It's our hearts fault✔

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"You love Jenni don't you?" Jason asked me as I took a puff from my cigarette.

"She's not mine to love Jason," I said between puffs.

He took a deep breath "But you still do?" He asked me and I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw.

"More than she ever will,"



"Stop with your snarky comments Gary or else you'll be getting a detention today," Ethan yelled at Gary and I smirked.

Gary simply rolled his eyes and shut his stupid mouth while I stayed focused on Ethan. "Since the Christmas holidays are coming up, I will be giving you an essay about one of your favorite topics we have covered so far and I hope you will study. Don't forget about your finals before you head off to college!" He said with an adorable smile and most of the girls smiled.

I've been so caught up with life that college hasn't even crossed my mind. Fuck my fucking life!

"Jenni? Why are you swearing?" Ethan asked me and I realized I said that out loud. I have a habit of doing that.

Everyone's eyes are were on me and I just sunk into my seat.

"Sorry Sir," I said in utter embarrassment.

"Well you can tell me during detention after school," He said and my mouth dropped.

"Gary was saying rude comments during your lesson but I just swore and I get a detention and he doesn't?" I yelled and our class fell silent.

"Ok, take out your textbooks and read page 70 please," Ethan said to the class and everyone took our their textbooks and began to read. He just ignored me.

I opened my textbook and slammed it on the desk, earning a couple of stares from students and pretended to read, when really I was messaging Ethan.

J - ?????

Ethan's phone vibrated and he looked away from his laptop screen and to his phone. He eyes found mine and he took a deep breath.

E - you did nothing wrong Jen, I just want to talk to you when we're alone :/

I calmed my senses down and smiled. I looked at him and smiled before locking my phone and putting it in my bag. I looked at the textbook and waited for the bell to ring.

Finally after 10 minutes, the bell rang and everyone sprinted out of class. I packed up slowly and followed Zoey and Jason out of class.

"Jenni? May I speak to you please," Ethan called me and I froze.

"I'll be right back guys," I said and they left me alone with Ethan.

I caught him smiling at me when I met his eyes.

"Yes?" I asked him, staying put.

"Can I have a kiss? It will calm my nerves down for the day," He said with such an adorable smile.

I walked up to him and gave him a quick, loveable kiss. I turned back around and before I could open the door, he said "I love you Jenni," And I blushed.

"I love you too Ethan," I said before opening the door and walking to class.

When I arrived, our substitute didn't arrive yet and I went and sat down by Jason "Where's Zoey?" I asked him.

"She was waiting for you," My eyes widened when he said that and I gulped.

What if she saw me give Ethan a quick kiss? Oh shit. First Wayne finds out and now Zoey?!

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