Chapter 1: Evil Father

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Caleb's POV:
"Father?" Kad asks with wide eyes. "Yes, I am your father." The man says floating towards his injured son. He has black hair and brown eyes, just like Kad. "Are you alright?" He asks Kad. "Yes, just hurting from slamming into the wall." Kad says. Kad's father pulls his son up from the ground.

All of a sudden, he looks at us. "I'm guessing those guys over there are your enemies, the bug, the puddle, the boom, and the outlet." "How did you know?" Kad asks.

"Lets just say, I've fought them before. But, they do look younger." I turn my head to see my friends regaining consciousness. I think to myself, how could we let this happen. I got to stop his father. I get up to shoot a laser, but when I look up, Kad's father is in front of me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." And his eyes start glowing black. FLASH! Now, his hair is deep black, like space. His body is wrapped in black, with a gray streaks in it. "How do I look now, frightening?" He asks me. I'm terrified, but I don't know why. Probably his black eyes staring into my soul.

He picks me up and with dark energy, and before he could strike, a mixture of electricity, ice, and sound hit him away, slamming into Kad. "Come on Caleb!" Leyla says pulling me away. "Don't let them escape!" Kad's father yells at them.

Kad, Katlin and Chris are chasing after us. Henry bot opens a side and shoots lasers at them. "Coolest, bot, ever!" Brandon says.
One hits Kad in the stomach, two hit Katlin in the face, and one hit Chris in the, you know what. Anyway, we left them in the dust. When we made it outside, we flew as fast as we could away.

"And that's how you blast people." Henry brags. "Its only because your a supercomputer." Brandon says, shocking the bot. While they talked, I was thinking to myself, how are we going to tell our parents we didn't stop them.

Kad's father is very mean; I don't like that guy. But, he exists. Anyway, hope you like the next book of the SuperHeros in Training series.

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