Chapter 25: Burn and Zap

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Brandon's POV:
I'm dodging Kad's fireballs by rolling on the ground. I take every few rolls to zap him, of course, I miss. So I turn into electricity, and enter the cable poles. Being in things is so cool. Try it someday.

I zap out, after absorbing all the cables electricity, and create the biggest lightning bolt I've ever seen. He gets hit straight in the stomach. It knocks him into the antique shop window. He lays there, unmoving. I walk over to where he is. "I hope he's not dead." I say to Henry. "He's not. I can still see his life force; he is just unconscious."

"What do I do now Henry? I stopped Kad from burning down half the town." "Go stop his father. It's the only way to stop ALL the madness." "Your right. I'm going." And I fly out of the shop.

While flying my fastest there, I see Olivia and Brandon protecting Caleb and Leyla. And Leyla's using her whip on him.

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