Chapter 17: Full Power

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Caleb's POV:
"So he got away by teleporting. That sounds reasonable." Dad says calmly. "So your not going to make us do like 50 pushups or something?" Olivia asks. "Who do you think I am, a military commander? I was once in your shoes. I know they can get away, why would I punish you?" Dad says/asks. Olivia shrugs her arms.

"I just want to know why Giovanni was with THEM. I haven't even seen his weapon or jem around the house. Why didn't he tell me?" She says, kind of sad. "Well, THEY did give him his jem. Maybe they are doing it to distract us from the real problem, Kad's father trying to do who knows what." Leyla says.

"He's trying to take over town, then the next state, then country, then the world. See where I'm going with this?" Dad says, pacing back and forth in front of us. "Yeah, but how are we going to stop him, we can't even get past a forcefield he makes." I admit.

"You guys could if you unlocked the full power of your jems." Henry suggests. "NO, they're not ready." Dad says sternly. "What does he mean by 'unlocking our full power'?" I ask. I stare directly into dads eyes. He loses the staring contest and tells us.

"Ok, I'll tell you. You guys have only unlocked half of your full powers. Even when you have all of your jem, you haven't UNLOCKED all your power." Dad says. "Why don't you want us to unlock all our power? Is it dangerous?" I ask.

"Yes! Unlocking it could kill you-" "But you unlocked your power fully, right?" Anthony asks. Dad is silent for a moment. "Yes I did. Yes your right, I should trust y'all in this. Ok, I'll tell y'all how, but first we need to go into a larger room."

And he leads us to the elevator. Why do we need to be in a bigger room?


He takes us to the combat room. "Ok soooo, which one of you wants to unlock their full potential?" Dad asks, with a weak smile. Leyla is the only one to raise her hand. "Ok then, Leyla walk into the arena." She walks into the middle of the arena. "Ok," my dad says through the microphone, "take your jem out of your weapon."

She grabs her weapon and takes the jem out with her left hand, then puts her weapon back on her belt. "Ready?" Dad says with tears in his eyes. Leyla nods. "Ok, say unslock de pow into your jem." He says. We see Leyla say something into her jem. Suddenly, she starts glowing, but the brightness is too bright not to be able to see. She starts lifting up. She closes her eyes. She FLASHES! But she's inside a bubble of water, making her unvisible. You can see her silhouette, and you can see power flowing into her. All of a sudden, POP! She falls to the ground.

"It's safe to go in." Henry says. We all run in to see her. She has different clothes than her normal outfit. Her skirt is a dress (not big and poofy) with ice particles in it, a water tiara, the same jacket and suit, and now water slippers. "Is she Ok?" Anthony asks, worry in his voice. "Yes, but she will be unconscious for a few minutes. Caleb, carry her to the bench." I walk over and pick her up. I push her water hair out of her face. I walk over to the bench outside the arena and lay her down.

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