Chapter 14: Town Hall

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Caleb's POV:
It's the weekend! Finally ... wait a minute. I forgot, NOW we have superhero training on the weekends. NEVER MIND!

"Caleb, Leyla, time to train!" Dad yells from the backyard. "Coming!" I yell out the window.


After everyone has arrived, Dad started our training. I practiced fitting through tiny spaces by shrinking, Leyla practiced freezing things, Anthony and Brandon practiced using their weapons, and Olivia started practicing using plants to attack.

Before I could I get out of the space, BEEP BEEP! "Villains, come to the main floor." Henry announces. We all scramble to the Main floor. The first thing I see is a dot glowing at town hall. "What is he doing now?" Dad says to himself. "All of you, even Olivia, need to head to town hall. Stop whoever's there."

FLASH! "We will Dad." I say. "And remember,-" "we know! Ask you for help, can we hurry up!" Brandon interrupts. "Yes, go heros!" Dad says. "Wait! How is Olivia going to get there?" I ask.

"Actually," and Olivia makes a tornado of leaves around her, making her float up. " I think I can get there just fine." "Really?! Am I seriously the only one who can't fly without help?!" Leyla asks, putting on her jetpack. "I said so, didn't I?" Dad says.

"Come on!" Brandon says flying out of the room. We all fly off after him.


We descend after finding town hall. "Why is the door ripped off?" Brandon asked. "I don't know, why are you asking that question?" Anthony asks. "Guys, let's just go!" Olivia says. We run into the building. We see everything is normal. Everybody looks as if they were having a normal work day. "Excuse me, have anyone seen some kids run through here recently?" I ask. One person answers, "They went to the mayor's office." "Thanks." I say.

We run through the whole building before getting to the mayor's office. And when we go through what I think was the door, we see Kad's father holding the mayor in one of his hands.

Everybody else is there as usual, except this new kid. He has a branches for hair and boots, a suit made of leaves, and a a jem just like Olivia's.

"Giovanni?!" Olivia asks the new kid.

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