Chapter 15: Dark < Light

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Olivia's POV:
"Olivia?" Giovanni asks. "How great is this." Kad's father said. "Family having powers, but on opposite sides. That's GREAT!"

"Shut up! Put down the mayor, NOW!" Caleb said, filled with anger. "Don't you like being in my hand mayor." And he shakes him up and down. "See, he likes it." "Put him down." Leyla says, grabbing her whip. "Fine." And the mayor falls to the ground. Leyla lassos her whip around him, and pulls him over to us. "It'll be Ok." Leyla says, healing his neck with her whip.

"Hold them off while I escape." Kad's father says before flying out the window. "Oh no you don't!" And Caleb flies after him. "So your his sister." the werewolf said, looking at me. "I see the resemblance." And she charges at me. Before she can grab me, my arms turn to thorns, and I slap her with my arm.

She falls back, whimpering. "That's the best you got?" I taunt. She growls a then jumps at me forcing me to the ground. I grabbed my disc and hit her in the head with it. She was unphased by the blow.

"If you think that's going to stop me, you got another thing coming." She says. She slashed at my side once before getting blown away by sound. I look over to see Anthony took a moment to shoot her. Then went back to fighting my brother. Why does he have to be on the bad guys side?

I get up, and ignore the pain next to my rib cage. I touch the ground, making vines come out of the ground wrapping around Katlin's arms and legs. I throw my arms forward and shoot thorns at her, just like I did at Brandon. After the first few hits, you can tell she can't fight anymore.

So I go to help Brandon, who's fighting Kad. They are trapped in an endless battle of holding a lightning bolt and a flamethrower. I break it by hitting Kad in the stomach. He let go of his flame, letting Brandon electrocute him. He got paralyzed for the hit. I walk over to Brandon and say, "Your welcome." "Thanks! I was getting tired of holding that lightning bolt for so long." He replied.

"Guys, you need to go help Caleb." Henry said through our masks. "But what about Anthony?" I say to Henry. "I'll be fine. Just go!" Anthony says, pushing the mummy back. What's his name? Never mind that's not important anymore. Me and Brandon fly out through the broken window.


Caleb's POV:
I'm still flying after him, after 5 minutes of chasing him. I can't land a hit on him because he has a forcefield going around him. And when I try to break through, THE FORCEFIELD shoots balls of darkness at me. Not fun.

While I'm trying to  think how to break through, Kad's father speeds up. I speed up. I'm so tired. What am I supposed to do when I have no energy left? Suddenly, Olivia and Brandon pop up next to me. Kad's father knows, not having to look, and says, "More children. I must be the funnest uncle." "Actually, my funnest uncle is uncle Bow." Brandon says seriously.

"Caleb, how are we going to stop him?" Olivia asks me. "You two could break the forcefield, and Caleb could trigger his Blinding light from his weapon. After all, his weakness is light." Henry says. "Why didn't you tell us before?!" I ask. "Because it should of been obvious. Darkness is ridded by the Light, duh." Henry says.

"Well, I didn't think it was that easy." I said, grabbing my sword. Olivia and Brandon start shooting at the forcefield. It shoots darkness at them, so they dodge and shoot and fly at the same time. I know that must be tough.

When they break through, which took about two minutes, I said, "Cover your eyes." They put their hands on their eyes. Then I released the light. My sword starts shining brighter and brighter until I can't see anything. I lasts for about one full minute.

When all the light is gone, so is Kad's father. My friends uncover their eyes. We all stop flying forward and I ask, "Where did he go?" "He teleported." Henry said. "He can do that?" Olivia questions. "I guess so. And Henry didn't tell us!" I yell out loud.

"Again, you didn't ask." Henry says.

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