Chapter 11: A Frisbee as a Weapon?

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Brandon's POV:
After a minute of freaking out, Olivia wakes up. "Olivia are you Ok?!" I ask. "Yeah, just had a weird dream." She says, rubbing her eyes. I just realized what's about to happen. Her powers are going to start coming out of her tomorrow. Think Brandon, what are you going to do to help.

"Can I give you my phone number?" I ask. "Sure, I'll give you mine as well." We write our numbers down on napkins, and give them to each other. "Just ... call me if anything weird or odd happens, Ok?" I say. "I will, like my hair's going to turn to leaves or something because I touched this." She says pointing to the jem.

It could, I think to myself. We talk and finish our lunch. After we leave and go to our classes. I make sure she takes her new jem with her.


When I get on the bus, I sit next to Leyla. Caleb, in the seat behind us asks, "Did you give the jem to one of them?" "Yes, I also gave her my number so when her powers start coming out, she can call us. Also do we have a weapon so she can control her powers?"

Caleb stares blankly for a moment. "No, we don't. But not to worry! I can make whatever weapon she wants to use." Henry says. "Thanks Henry. Nice to know someone knows what their doing." "Actually, I just thought ahead, something you guys should try to do."

"Thanks Henry." I say blankly.


I wake up hearing my phone go off. I answer, "Hello?" "Hey, it's Olivia. You know how you said something weird might happen to me, well something did!" She says worryingly. "Slow down, what happened to you?" I ask. "My hair has turned into vines, with leaves growing out of them, and random parts of my body have branches growing off." Olivia says. "Oh, well ... meet me at" and I say Caleb and Leyla's address. "Right now?" She asks, unsure. "Yes, or else your going to school like that." You can tell she was thinking about it, from the silence. "Ok, meet you there." And she hangs up.


She was there before me, which was weird because I only live a few houses down from theirs. She looked exactly how she described. "Come on." I say, leading her to the backyard. "Aren't we trespassing?" She asks, looking around. "Technically, yes, but the people who live here know me." I say.

"That's comforting." She says sarcastically. I walk over to the tree, and pull the lowest 'branch'. The truck expands into an elevator. "Ok, that's not weird at all." She says. "Come on, the elevator won't bite." I joke. She walks in after me, and I press the Main floor button.

The first thing Olivia says when the doors open is, "Wow, this place is AMAZING!" She runs over to the mini fridge and takes out a soda. "Hold on! Your supposed to be here to change back to normal, not drink a soda."

"Can't I drink a soda AND change back to normal?" she asks. "You-but-fine." I say all jumbled up. "Henry, introduce yourself to our guest." "Sure thing Brandon." Henry says. "Who was that?" Olivia asks scared. "Don't be scared Olivia, I am Henry. Brandon's helpful supercomputer. I help him on missions, training, looking things up, you name it. And today, I'm going to help you." He says. "Does Henry stand for something?" She asks. "Nope. That was just what they named me." "Oh ..."

"Anyway, you need to pick a weapon to control your powers." And he brings up a hole list of weapons on the main screen. "Wait! How come I couldn't choose my weapon?" I ask Henry. "Because your parents had weapons, their was no point to making new weapons. Besides, Caleb and Leyla's father wanted y'all to use their old weapons." He says. "I've chosen!" Olivia says out of nowhere.

"I want a disc!" She says excitedly. "A disc? You mean like a frisbee?" "No, she means a disc. Its a circular weapon you throw at enemies. It usually has spikes along the side." He brings up a picture of a metal circle and it has spikes along the edge of the circle. "One disc coming up!"

You can hear sounds coming from behind the weapons storage. Suddenly, the box expands a little. "That was quick." she says, running over to the box. She opens the box, and of course, her disc is right in the new expanded area.

"Woah!" She says amazed. She grabs it, and runs her hand down the metal. "Place your jem inside the hole in the middle." Henry says. She grabs her jem out of her pocket, and places it in the hole. For a second, nothing happens. Then Olivia's eyes start glowing green. While that's happening, her disc turns into wood. After a few seconds, her eyes dim to normal. She looks around. "What just happened?" "The jem recognized you as its owner. Now when you press the jem like a button, you'll change from normal girl to superhero." I say.

"I'm going to press it." Olivia says before the FLASH!

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