Chapter 22: Wrapped Again

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Anthony's POV:
It started getting really dark, before I found Chris. He was forcing citizens towards the center of town. I slash my arm to shoot a sonic boom out of my blade. It hits the mummy in the back. He's unphased. "Well look who it is. The annoying sound maker." And he throws his strings at me.

I dodge by falling to the ground. I run at him shooting rings of sound at him. He blocks them all by putting his wrapping into a wall.

Then he grabs one of his wraps, and flings it at me. It wraps around my arms, so I can't move them. Then he starts whipping me with the strings in his right hand. It hurts getting smacked back and forth, back and forth. So I vibrate the strings with sound, and it vibrates all the way to Chris.

When he's paralyzed, I use the time to escape. Then I slash a sonic boom five times at him. He's too late to block, it hits him in the  stomach. I grab my axe and walk over to him. He looks up, I say, "Sorry."

I release the most destructive sound in the world. And from the look on his face, it must have been loud.

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