Chapter 28: All Over

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Leyla's POV:
I wake up feeling my hair drip down my neck. Wait what?!

I open my eyes to see I'm back into my new outfit. The others start waking up around me. "What happened?" I ask. "Caleb destroyed Kad's father." Henry answers. I look around. "Then where is Caleb?" I ask Henry. He doesn't answer.

My eyes start tearing up. "Nooo!!!" I yell to the air. I'm crying, and crying, and crying. Brandon gets on his knees and hugs me. I hug him. I've always felt safe around him, so this made me feel better.

"Here he is." Henry says. "What?" I say, sniffing. Suddenly, Caleb lands behind me. "Why are you crying Leyla?" He asks. I turn around. He looks terrible. His hair is a mess, his suit has tears in it, and one of his wings has a crack through it. I run over and give him the tightest hug ever.

"I thought you were gone." I say crying my heart out. He hugs me back. "I'm sorry I scared you sis." We hug for the longest time. I let go when I stop crying.

Everyone smiles when I turn around. "I guess that problem is gone." Caleb says, sadly. We all stand in the silence. It was kind of peaceful. I take that time to look at our surroundings. Some buildings have holes through them, and the road has ditches in them, but other than that, everything looked normal.

Suddenly, news reporter Elizabeth Hernandez walks up to me and asks, "How was battling that monster man?" She puts the mic to my face. "Hard but we stopped him. There shouldn't be any worry of him coming back." I answer her.

Then, Brandon walks up behind me and has a fallen apart rose in his hand. "Um ... I was ... you see-" "You want to ask me to the dance on Friday?" I fix his sentence. "Yeah, would you go with me?"

"Of course!" I say, kissing him. Not on the cheek either. He smiles wide and spins me around.

"You heard it here WestHigh. This couple will be going to the rescheduled dance on Friday. And the monster man is stopped. Elizabeth Hernandez, reporting live from the center of town."

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