Chapter 26: Unconscious

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Anthony's POV:
After knocking out the mummy with my sound, I fly to the 'real' battle. Olivia, Giovanni and Brandon are protecting Leyla and Caleb.

I fly closer to see Caleb's not glowing anymore. I fly to where they are. "What's wrong with Caleb?!" I ask Leyla. "I don't know, I tried healing him, but it just took away his bruises. He's still unconscious, and I can't find his weapon anywhere." "That can't be good." I say.

"Actually, it is. Caleb's trying to gain even more power right now. You just can't see it. It's happening in his mind." Henry corrects us. "Why didn't he tell us?" Leyla asks. "I don't know. But you need to protect him until he comes back. Both of you stay by his side."

"We will Henry." I say, looking towards the others. Fighting, they look exhausted from fighting Kad's father. "Shouldn't we help the others?" I ask Leyla. "Henry said to stay by Caleb's side. The others should be fine before Caleb wakes up." But by the look in her eye, you could tell she was thinking the same thing.

Suddenly, I get slashed down to the ground. Only one person could  do that. "Katlin." I say, turning around. "How'd you know?" And she goes for the stab in my stomach. I flip backwards (I didn't know I could do that!) and shoot sound at her. She super growls (I didn't know that either!) which cancels out my attack.

My face must have been surprised, because she said "What's wrong? You didn't know I could do that?" She asks. "Nope." And a blast a ring of sound at her. She gets pushed back by the blow.

Behind me something starts glowing. I look back to see Caleb's back with ... spiked wings?

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