Chapter 7: Almost Caught in a Tree

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Caleb's POV:
Flying for a day, I fell asleep in a tree. Crazy, I know. When I woke up, my back was aching. "Now I wish I slept on the ground." I say, stretching. I jump off the branch to the ground. FLASH!

Now people won't think I'm a weirdo, with butterfly wings walking around D.C. Anyway, I start walking around a really tall white building, then the place where Abraham Lincoln sits in that chair, then the White House. And guess where my jem is. In a tree, in the backyard of the White House! "Why did it have to be here?!" I ask myself.

I hide behind a bush and FLASH! I shrink down to the size of a butterfly, then I zoom straight into the tree. The guards around the yard look around, hearing something. They walk away, seeing nothing move. I pick up the jem the size of me, which isn't hard. I still have the strength of what I would have normally. Then my weapon glows. I pick up my weapon, and see the jem is glowing a lot more. I press the weapon against the jem the size of me, Black ...

I'm in a vision, at least I think. I see someone familiar. I've seen him before. He has my weapon. He has my suit, wings bigger than mine, a light mask, antenna coming out of his head, and boots that reach right below his knee.

I blink, and now I'm in the tree again. The giant jem is now combined with the other one. The only thing different is there is another full jem in front on me now. It is grass green and has a symbol of a leaf on it. I grow to human size. "I wonder if-" and it makes a bubble around itself and it stings my hand. "OWW!" I yell.

Caleb, why did you do that?! I'm too nervous to shrink, so I stay as still as possible. The guards walk over to the trunk of the tree. I hide behind some leaves. The guards look up the trunk of the tree. They both shrug and go back to their posts. "Fwew, that was too close." I make a bag out of light and scoop the gem into it.

"Your coming back to the hideout." I say, before flying out of the tree.

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