Chapter 20: Perfect World

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Olivia's POV:
"I think we're done for the day." their dad says, helping Brandon to the elevator. When we are in the elevator, their dad says, "Don't worry, I'll tell your parents everything, they will understand ... hopefully." I walk home as soon as I get out of the elevator.


When I open the door, I see my parents are watching TV. "So, how was training?" Mom asks. "It was good. We unlocked our full power."

"WHAT!" Dad says angry. "Are you hurt?!" He asks walking over to me. "No I'm fine, Brandon was injured though." I say sadly. "Well, I hope he's doing better. That's so dangerous, why would he make y'all do that. Your not experienced enough."

"Henry suggested us to do it." I say. "Henry must of had a good reason." Mom says, still watching TV. "Well, I'm going to our room." I say. "Ok, come down when we call for dinner." Mom says. "I will." And I go up to mine and Giovanni's room.

When I arrive, I walk over to my side of the room and grab the book I was reading.


I only read about 20 pages before Giovanni walks through the door. We look at each other, then he walks to his desk to do his homework. I break the silence by asking, "Why are you on THEIR side?!"

"I could ask you the same question." He says, turning in his swivel chair. "Your on the BAD side Olivia. You just don't know it." He says. "I'm on the bad side, you tortured a man for ... I don't even know why."

"So he could ask the mayor to hand over the city-" "By force?!" I yell. "At first he asked nicely, but when he refused, Kad's father took the hard way with him. And that's when you walked in." He corrects. "Ok, why does he need control of town anyway." I ask. "He has his reasons." Giovanni answers. "That's it! You can't even tell your own TWIN sister!?" I ask/yell at him. He looks away from my eyes. "You don't understand. The way he told me he was going to bring world peace. It, it ... it sounded beautiful. He made a picture in your head of the perfect world." Giovanni says, thinking back.

"You don't see he's using you! His power is darkness. His idea of a perfect world is corrupted by the Dark jem. Can't you see?" I ask him.

"You just don't understand!" He yells at me. I wince at the yell. We don't talk for the rest of the night, not even dinner.

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