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Brandon's POV:
I walk over to the restroom to go look into the mirror. I find Caleb in there, fixing his bowtie. "Why are you in here? This is like the tenth time checked how you look." He says.

"Well I want to look as best as possible." I say, fixing my tux. "Well, see you in there." And he walks out.

After sprucing myself up, I walk into the gym, where the dance is taking place. I look around, no Leyla. I walk over to Olivia and Anthony, which I didn't know they had a thing for each other.

Anyway, I ask them, "Hey have you two seen Leyla?"

"No, I haven't seen her yet." Anthony says. "Yeah." Olivia says. "I just saw her in the bathroom. She'll be coming out soon. Nevermind, here she comes." And I turn around to see her coming through the door.

She looks absolutely beautiful! She's wearing a sky blue dress, which brings out her eyes. A tiara the same color, and she's wearing her ice slippers. Her hair is curled, which is the way I like it.

She walks over to me and asks, "Sooo, how do I look?" "Theirs no words to describe how beautiful you look." I say. She blushes.

The DJ says to eveyone, "Ok, time for the slow dance, for all those couples out there." And the slow dance starts playing. Everyone grabs their partner, and starts waltzing. Somehow, we met at the middle of the gym, and there we are.

"Well, are we going to dance?" She asks me. "Of course!" And I grab her hand and side. Then I spin her and do the pose where the man is leaning over the lady. We both are laughing, enjoying ourselves the whole time.

This is the end of the book. The next book is published already! Go read it please.
Hope you enjoyed the book!

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