Chapter 12: Late to the Bus Stop

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Brandon's POV:
She looks like a ninja now. With a cloth covering her mouth, leaf mask, vines tied back into a ponytail, camouflage and black suit, sleek black boots, and gloves made out of leaves. "How do I look?" She asks. "You look ... like a ninja. Very cool!" I say. "Try throwing your disc at this." And a dummy appears a few feet away. Olivia grabs her disc (its a little bigger than her hand) and throws it. While it spins, blades- sorry, razor sharp leaves come out the edges. When it hits the dummy, it slices its arm off and flies directly back to Olivia. She catches it right after the leaves retract. "That was crazy! How did you know how to do that?" I ask. "Um ... skills?"

"Probably instincts. But that was pretty cool though." Henry says. Olivia FLASHES! back to normal. "Guess I'm a superhero now, huh." "Guess so." I say excitedly. Everything is quite for a while. Henry breaks it by telling us, "You guys do know the bus is coming in about 20 minutes, right?" "Henry! Come on Brandon, lets go before the bus comes." Olivia says, pulling me to the elevator.


Caleb's POV:
"Where is Brandon?" I ask Leyla. "I don't- here he comes." She says pointing out the window. We see Brandon running towards the bus, with a girl. They both get to their seat after the bus driver tells them to not be late again.

"Where were you?" I ask Brandon in the seat in front of me. "At the hideout, giving Olivia her weapon." "Who's Olivia?" Leyla asks. "She's the twin I talked about yesterday. And she's sitting right next to me." The girl that ran with Brandon to the bus turned around. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." She says. "Hello, so Olivia, what weapon did you pick?"

"A disc, why?" She asks, holding it up. "Just want to know what weapon one of our teammates has. Did Brandon tell you everything?" I ask.

She puts her disc back on her belt. She raises her hand again. This time her hand turned into a branch. "I think he did. Do you guys, other than Brandon, really have powers?" She asks. I reveal my wings for a second, Leyla's hair flashes water, and Anthony made a small ring of sound. "Yeah, I don't think we have powers." Leyla jokes.

We all laugh.

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