Chapter 21: Dark Sky

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Caleb's POV:
I'm playing air hockey in the game room, when the villain alarm goes off. When we get to the supercomputer, Brandon asks annoyed, "What is it know? Are they stealing someones purse?" "Actually, they are terrorizing the town. And the mummy did steal some lady's purse. So your kind of right."

The others walk in, hearing the alarm. "What are they up to now?" Olivia asks. "Terrorizing the town, look." And I point to the screen. There's different color dots, moving, for each different villain. Five different ones to be exact.

"First, who's going after who?" I ask the the team. "I'm going after Giovanni." Olivia says sternly. "I'm going after Katlin." Leyla says. "I'm going after Chris." Anthony says. "I'll go after Kad." Brandon says. "That leaves me with HIM." I say. We all FLASH! into our new outfits. "We know, call you if we need help." Brandon says, in a I know way. "Thanks for remembering." Henry says. "Now, go stop them."

"We will!" I say. We fly out of the room.


So you know how the sky's blue, well the closer we got to the center of town, the sky became blacker and blacker. I don't think that's normal. And we split up to find who we were going to fight, that didn't boost my confidence.

I find Kad's father in the center of town. It's dark, but bright enough to see. "This darkness feels great, don't you think Caleb." And he turns to face me. "Wouldn't it be great if the whole world was like this, but complete darkness. 24/7. Don't you think that would be amazing?" He asks me, serious.

"No! Living things can't survive without sunlight." I tell him. "Maybe I can fix that." And he lifts a person of the ground. They are unable to move while being lifted up. Kad's father turns his hand to COMPLETE darkness, you don't want to know what it looks like. He touches the man on the center of his forehead. Suddenly, his eyes go black and his skin goes extremely pail. And his veins are black, visible through his skin. Creepiest thing I have ever seen.

"See, now he doesn't need light, food, water, oxygen; just darkness. See, I can make this world better. Fixing mankind by making them only need the dark."

"That," I say, "is not right! Living in a world of darkness, no! It's not human. You haven't solved all the problems of mankind-" "But this will make it better. This, " he pauses. "You know what, if you can't understand, you don't need to be alive." And suddenly, his whole body becomes darker.

He flies at me, with a beam of darkness destroying my light.

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