Chapter 13: First 'Battle'

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Caleb's POV:
After school, we went to the hideout, to show Olivia around. The floor we showed her after the Main floor was the training floor.

The doors open up to the training floor. "So this is the Training floor?" Olivia asks. "Yep, bit this is just the training ROOM. Come here." And I direct everybody to the library. "This, is the library." I say proudly. "And if you come this way," I say, walking across, " is the combat room."

"What do you do in the combat room?" Olivia asks, staring through the window. "You can battle one of your teammates for fun in there." Henry says. "Cool! Can I battle someone right now Henry?" She asks excitedly. "Sure, pick whoever you want."

We all stand in a line for her to choose. "Hmmm." Olivia thinks. "I choose ... YOU!" and she points at Brandon. "The first person I met on the team. Come on Brandon." And she runs into the arena.

Brandon runs to the other side of the arena. "Ok traines get ready to battle. No weapons, remember that Olivia. READY ..." the two press their jems. FLASH! "SET ... GO!"

Brandon charges up and flies at Olivia. "Not holding back I see." Olivia says. And she brings a dome of vines around her. Brandon bashes through vines to see Olivia's arms turned to long spiked vines. She swings at Brandon, but he flies over and shoots bolts of lightning straight at her. She blocks with her arms.

She retracts them back to normal, and touches the ground. Nothing happens. Suddenly, a tree grows up from the ground, and its branches grab and trap Brandon. Olivia then throws her arms straight and shoot spikes at Brandon. He struggles and tries to break free. It doesn't work.

All the spikes hit him and his head goes down. And if you don't know, putting your head down means you surrender. "MATCH OVER!" Henry yells. Olivia makes her arms return to normal, and the tree um ... ungrew. Don't ask me, the way it disappeared was weird.

"I WON! I WON!" Olivia screams. "Brandon gets up, and starts walking over to Olivia. "Ok, you won. You defiantly caught me off guard with the tree suddenly coming out from under me." Brandon admits.

The rest of us walk in to where they are. "That was fantastic!" Leyla says, giving Olivia a hug. "It was probably beginners luck." She says blushing. "Are you kidding, you had him pinned against a tree! You could of totally taken Brandon out, if he wasn't your teammate." I say.

"Hey!" Brandon says, pulling out the lasts of the thorns. "It's true." Anthony agreed. "She was pretty good."

"Ok guys, who's going next?" Henry asks. "Anthony and Caleb?" Olivia suggests. "Great, everyone else leave the arena." Everybody walked behind the door, except me and Anthony. "READY ..." both of us FLASH! "SET ..." I'm ready. "GO!"

We both fly at each other with hands full of power.

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