Chapter 9: Story Time 2

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Caleb's POV:
When I arrive at the hideout, everyone is waiting for my arrival. "Caleb did you get the Nature jem?" Leyla asks immediately. "I got the other half of my jem. What is a Nature jem?" I ask. "Great question Caleb. It's a jem with the power to speed up the growing process of plants. Also allows owner to manipulate plants movements." Henry says.

"I didn't know that. I don't know if I found the Nature jem, bit I did find this jem." and I hold up the bag. "Caleb, that is the Nature jem!" Dad says excited. He grabs the bag and places it in the middle of the table, in front of the couches. "This, my pupils, is the Nature jem! Once owned by an old friend of mine. He was amazing with this." He says pointing to the jem.

"Wait, I thought you said their were two?" Anthony said. I have no idea what they are talking about, I'm just pretending I know what is happening. "There are! My dear old friend duplicated it with this machine. Brandon's the one who let the other Nature jem get away. Blame him."

"Who did it belong to?" I ask. "Ethan Kool." Leyla says. "And how do you know honey?" Dad asks. "Because Henry told me. But he didn't tell me why." She says. "He made another jem so his girlfriend could have powers as well." Henry explains. "Why would his girlfriend need superpowers?" Brandon asks.

"Because when she found out he had powers, she wanted powers too. So he made another one for her." Dad adds. "Did they have a happy ending like you and mom?" Leyla asks. We all look at her. "Yes, they did get married and have kids. But they don't want anything to do with powers anymore." "Why?!" I ask Dad. "Because they don't want to. So you guys are going to give the powers to their twin son and daughter."

"How? We only have one jem, and, we don't know where they live." I state. "We know they go to your school, which your going back to tomorrow-" "WHAT! We have school tomorrow?!" Brandon yells surprised. "Yes you do, and don't yell like that again." Dad says. "I can yell as loud as I want, this is our hideout." "He has a point sir." Henry agrees. "Fine, ANYWAY, one of y'all should give it to one of them. Who wants to?" Dad asks.

Brandon is the only one who raises his hand. "Well, I guess Brandon's doing it!" And gives the bag to Brandon. "What if someone at school steals the jem when I'm not looking?" He asks. "Only kids, descendants of heroes or villains, of jems can see the jems. It shouldn't get stolen." "Ok then." Brandon says.

"Time to go home, school tomorrow!" Dad says, pushing us into the elevator.

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