Chapter 2: Did You Stop Them?

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Leyla's POV:
We fly through the hole in the roof of the hideout. When we land, our parents run toward us, and give us tight hugs. "I thought you guys were seriously injured when the camera broke." Mom says. I look over at Henry bot, and the camera is broken in half. Probably from the explosion.

"Did y'all destroy the items?" Our dad asks us. A second passes by. "No." Caleb answers. "Well ... did y'all stop the things from reviving Kad's father." He asks. We all sit on the couches. Again, Caleb says, "No."

We're quiet for one full minute. "They tried Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." Henry says, trying to help. "You guys do know what his father is capable of?" Our dad asks worryingly. We all shake our heads no. "Well, I'll tell you."

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