Chapter 18: Uncontrollable

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Leyla's POV:
I wake up with Caleb placing me on the bench outside the arena. "Woah, did I faint?" I ask Caleb. "Yeah, but you went through the process of unlocking all your power. Go look in the mirror."

I walk over to the mirror to see my outfit has changed. "This is what that girl was wearing in my vision." I say. "What vision?" Dad asks walking over to me. "The one when I touched the other half of the jem. I saw a girl, and she had these exact clothes." "A vision of a girl with your weapon and clothes." Dad says to himself. He figures it out and says, "Aha, what you saw Leyla was Mom. You saw a vision of her when she unlocked her powers fully."

"I saw someone when I touched my jem too." Caleb says. "Me too." Anthony and Brandon say together. "When I first touched my jem, I saw a girl with my jem and a suit that was different than mine now too." Olivia adds to the conversation. "Ok, you all saw your parents when they unlocked their full power." Henry says.

"So, who's next?" Dad changes the subject. "I want to go." Brandon says excitedly. "Then go out there."

Brandon runs to the middle of the arena. "Take your jem out and say unslock de pow into your jem." Dad says. Brandon takes his jem out, then says something into his jem. He glows really bright, you can only see his silhouette through the lightning storm. Is that how it was for me?

Suddenly, power starts getting shocked into him. When the storms over, he's still floating in the air. "Oh no ..." Dad says with a dreaded face. Suddenly Brandon starts releasing electricity everywhere at the window, ceiling, ground, everything. Then Brandon explodes an electrical field around.

"What's wrong Dad?" Caleb asks. "The jem ... it's too powerful for him. If he doesn't control it, he will blow up." Dad says, eyes watering. "Can we help?" I ask. "No, only Brandon can do it. If you try to help, it will only make things worse." Henry says.

We all stare through the window, worrying about the outcome.

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