Chapter 8: Chasing a Werewolf

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Brandon's POV:
I traveled by electricity, like telephone poles and cable poles, to get to New York as fast as possible. It took a day, and when I found a bed, I slept real good.

I wake up remembering I am in New York City. "This is going to be fun." I say. "Brandon, your supposed to be looking for your jem. Not touring the city." Henry tells me. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." I say disappointed. "You can tour and play after your find you jem." An arrow appears on my mask. "Follow it to your jem." "I will, and thanks for the help." And I FLASH! before leaving the abandoned building.


I find my jem in a trash can. Not happy about that. I take it out and my weapon starts glowing. I look up to see if anybody else can see it glowing. Everybody around just goes about doing their ordinary lives.

I grab my flail and see the jem glowing brighter. I touch it with the other jem, Black ...

I am in some weird world. I see a boy with my flail. My suit, my hair, longer boots, electric mask and gloves, and looked vaguely familiar. He was fighting a person who is on fire and covered in darkness.

I return to the bench I was next to and the jem is gone. Where is it? I look at the hand with my weapon in it, and sure enough, the jem is full now. Now something's glowing in the corner of my eye. Its another jem. It's hard to see because it's the color of the grass.

I walk over and scoop it up in the electrical bag I made. "Henry what jem is this?" "That Brandon, is the Nature jem. It has the power to control nature and speed up the process of plants growing." "What does that mean?" I ask, whispering. "It means whoever owns it can make plants attack people." Henry says baby like.

"Henry I'm not a baby, I just don't understand big words." "Maybe you should turn around, NOW!" he yells. I look backwards to see werewolf girl running at me. I wait until she's close, then jump! She leaps straight into the tree. "Ha sucker!" I say before FLASHING! I try flying off, but I guess smashing your head into a tree doesn't phase a werewolf, because she grabbed my ankle. "Not this time volt boy!" She throws me into the tree. "Oww!" I scream.

She holds me against the tree with her paws and says, "Give me the Nature jem." I look at my side. She rips it off my belt and says, "Thank you." She turns around and sprints off. I go after her. I can't let her get some random jem. I shoot bolts of electricity at her, but they keep missing. She runs out of the park and down an alley. When I turn down the alley, she's gone. "Dang it! I almost had her." "It's Ok, you'll get her next time. For now you need to get home." "Actually, you said I can go to the park after finding my jem."

"Fine, go." He says. I fly to the park.

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