Chapter 6: A What Jem?

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Leyla's POV:
I fall back into the water after getting slapped across the face. "What was that for?" I ask. I look up to see it was the mummy, Chris. "Because I need that gem you found." "You can't have my jem." "No, the other jem. The Nature jem." He disagrees.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "The Nature jem, a jem owed by Ethan Kool. He duplicated, or made an exact copy of the jem." Henry says out of nowhere. "I don't have that jem." I say to him. "But ... it must be at the other one than." "What are you babbling about now?!" I ask.

"Bye, see ya." And he grabs one of his strings with both arms. He flings them at something. When it latches on to something, he pulls himself up, swinging. He latches his other string to something else and swings again. "So that's how he gets around." I say.

Everyone's gone, figures. FLASH! I surf after him on a wave I created. He sees me and starts swinging faster. I throw icicle spears at him. Its hard to hit someone swinging left and right. All of a sudden the strings floating around him start wrapping him up. "Oh no you don't!" I yell. I make the wave a little bigger (not too big so I don't hit the buildings).

I speed up. I bend my knees. Jump! I reach for his leg. My finger touches his leg, and I fall. Before I hit the ground, I made a bubble of water the size of me on the ground. I slam into the bubble. I look, and Chris wrapped himself completely. When he pulls all the wraps off, he's gone.

"Guess it's time to find out where the 'other' jem is." Emphasis on other. I fly off as soon as my jetpack is on.

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