[1] it'll do you good

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Michaels outfit above

Michael fumbled with the black Nike SnapBack which sat on top of his soft lilac hair, making sure it was in the perfect position to prevent anyone from seeing his fluffy kitten ears.

The hallways weren't crowed, unlike what the movies say, there was just students dotted around, either alone or talking quietly with their friends. A faint smile appeared on his plump lips as he saw the familiar outline of his best friend, Rian, approach him with a bunch of papers, which Michael could only assume was unfinished homework, in his hands.

"Hey mate, guess what I found" he grinned, hiding the sheets of paper behind his back. "Mikey thinks is homework, that idiot Rian has not done" he spoke sheepishly.

The small boy pouted when seeing his friend shake his head, no, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"It's a type of school, I think you'll like it" he beamed, removing the sheets from behind his back and showing them to Michael. Only for him to look at the sheets with furrowed eyebrows as he read the words which were printed neatly on the slightly crumbled pieces of paper. "Mikey no no understand" he pouted, every school seemed the same to him, he didn't understand why he would like one of he didn't like the other, plus he had attended this school since he was thirteen, he didn't want to move now.

Rian clicked his tongue at the top of his mouth, his eyes looking round the halls before dragging Michael outside, sitting under a tree were nobody could hear them. "It's not just any school, it's a school specified in BDSM" he explained, in Rian's opinion, the school would do Michael good, better than an ordinary school were you learn the basics. "M-Mikey don't know what is" Michael frowned, pulling his shorts down slightly, considering they rode up slightly when he sat down.

"It's doesn't matter, I've already got you a place" Rian grinned, pinching Michaels pale cheeks.

The small boy sighed, glaring at his friend and not in a joking manor. "Mikey he leaving be-best fwiend?" He mumbled, his eyes watering slightly and his bottom lip trembling.Rian frowned, pulling the kitten boy into his arms. "We'll still see each other, I promise" he murmured as he planted a sweet kiss to the boys pale forehead.

"P-promise Mikey?" He spoke quietly, holding out his pinky, which Rian gladly wrapped his pinky round also. "I promise" he assured with a small smile. Michael stayed quiet, looking down at his lap, his small hands clasped together.

"why Rian want Mikey to move?" The hybrid asked, tilting his head to the side in a questionable manor. Rian sighed, resting his hand on Michaels milky white thigh. "It'll do you good, they expect hybrids so you don't have to hide" he explained, missing out the part were he would have a dominant which would keep him in line whilst he's there, but Michael didn't know what sex or anything related to sex was, never mind what a dominant was and he didn't want to have that conversation.

"Plus, they let you stay there, like you get your own room so you won't have to live with your dad" he added, knowing that would make Michael happy, knowing how his dad constantly hurts Michael.

Rian thought it was the best thing for Michael, being able to show off his ears and not worry about being judged, he would have a dominant which would remind him how beautiful he is and show him anything and everything about sex, and he got his own privacy, something he didn't get at home.

"Mikey will go" he smiled, a small giggled slipping past his plump lips which had a light cost of lip gloss on top.

"Good because you're going tonight" the older lad announced.

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