[10] don't cry angel

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When Luke saw Michaels curled up, shaking body his face twisted into a sad expression as he slammed his car door shut, approaching the three. "Wa-want daddy L-Luke" the kitten boy cried, his small hands gripping Jacks shirt as the tears rolled down his pale cheeks which were now red from crying so much.

"I'm right here kitten" the blonde spoke in a hushed voice, kneeling down in front of the small lad.

Michael raised his head from Jacks chest, sniffling as he looked at the dominant with blood shot eyes, he shuffled over to the blonde, curling himself into a ball in his embrace. His lips twitched into a frown as his eyes looked at the bloody bandages which were wrapped around his kitten ears.

"Thank you for calling me" Luke thanked as he gently picked the younger boy up who only clung to Luke even more due to his shaken state. "No, thank you for helping Luke" Rian smiled, pressing a small kis to Michaels forehead. Luke smiled gently, sending a nod their way before settling the boy in the passenger seat. "Sh, sh, you're okay" Luke whispered, cupping the boys face and using the pads of his thumbs to brush away his tears wh ig rolled smoothly down his puffy cheeks. "H-hurt" he whimpered, Luke nodded sadly, pulling the boy in for a short, sweet kiss.

Michael sniffled, closing his eyes as he allowed Luke to fastened his seat belt, being careful of his ribs.

When the two arrived at Luke's rather large house, Michael had managed to stop crying but would still sniffle occasionally. The kitten boy smiled tired when he looked around Luke's house which had a maid working in the kitchen.

"M-Mikey is tired now" the small boy stated, looking up at the blonde with tired eyes. Luke smiled down at the boy. "You wanna rest for a bit baby boy before dinner?" The dominant questioned, his hands resting on the bottom of Michaels back. Michael nodded tiredly, a small yawn leaving his lips. "Mikey tired see" he mumbled, nuzzling his head in Luke's chest and closing his eyes.

"Come on Angel" he whispered, guiding the boy upstairs, slowly of course due to the boys limp. "Let's change you into some fresh clothes" he spoke, grabbing a shirt which was most likely too large for Michael. "Want me to help?" The dominant suggested, turning back to Michael.

Michael blushed but nodded, raising his bum slightly as Luke tugged his jeans down his legs, revealing his pink panties and his fluffy tail instantly wrapping round his waist to cover himself up. "Don't hide beautiful" he cooed, placing a hand on his milky white thigh and pressing a kiss to his nose earning a soft giggle from the younger boy. Michael raised his arms, Luke removing his shirt in one swift movement, revealing the large bruise forming on his ribs.

"Baby boy, who did this?" He questioned, running a hand through his dyed hair. Michaels bottom lip jutted out. "M-Mikey's dad did" he whispered, his voice so quiet, scared incase anyone else was to hear even though it was only them in the room.

Luke quickly put the shirt on Michael, not wanting to look at the large bruise any longer, it hurt to see it on his pale skin. "Please don't cry angel, you're too pretty to cry" he whispered, gently pushing the boy backwards on the soft bed and connecting their lips.

Time will make it heal...

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