[37] be my queen

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Michael tilted his head to the side as he watched Fenton suckle on his dummy, his bright blue eyes glued to the TV as he would sometimes kick his legs, wanting attention of either Luke or Michael.

The hybrid shuffled closer to the one year old, his eyes flickering down to the dummy in his mouth. "We share, yes?" He asked in a sheepish way, Fenton cocked his head to the side and blinked at the kitten boy in curiosity.

Michael raised his child like hand and tugged on the dummy earning a small whine from the baby as he placed his small hand on Michaels lap, pulling himself onto the pregnant mans lap and resting his head on the bump. "Share" Michael huffed as he pulled the dummy out and placed it in his mouth with a satisfied smile on his plump lips.

Fenton's eyes filled with tears, his face scrunching up, making grabby hand towards the dummy in Michaels mouth but the boy only huffed and shook his head. His bottom lip jutted out and quivered as he reached upwards.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows at the sound of crying, and from what he could hear, both Fenton and Michael were crying and Luke didn't understand how a one year old could make an eighteen year old cry.

But this was Michael, when someone else cries, he cries.

The dominant frowned as he saw Michael curled up into some sort of ball, his growing tummy making him struggle to curl his legs further in on himself whilst Fenton just cried and thrashed his legs back and forth.

"Baby" he murmured as he picked the dummy up, made sure it was clean and gave it back to Leo.

"Babeh no share" Michael sobbed, small whines and cries leaving his lips as he pushed his damp face into the soft cushion.

"Princess, you have your own" he sighed, Luke didn't know if Michael was being serious or if it was his hormones, which have made his mood swings worse within the past two weeks.

Luke went for the second option.

Michaels sniffles died down as he peered up at the blonde man, and Luke couldn't help but grin at the adorable sight. He jutted his arms upwards as he signalled for the man to cuddle him.

Luke grinned as he sat Michael up and wrapped his arms around his body, his torso pressed against Michael swollen tummy, humming whenever he felt one of the twins kick.

"M'think both of my baby boys deserve a nap"


The dominant leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Michaels naked frame stretch and whine about the pain in his bum due to the two having sex, quite a few times at that whilst Fenton was down for his nap.

However, the man instantly became concerned when he heard a sniffle and a muffled whimper from the boy as his face was pressed down into the pillow. He instantly thought of the worse thing possible and that was Michael not wanting to have sex and being too scared to speak up, and if that was the case, Luke wouldn't know what to do with himself.

"Baby boy, can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked softly as he kneeled down in front of the bed and delicately ran his fingers over the boys pale neck and down his back.

Michael mumbled something which Luke was able to hear, leaning forward to press a kiss onto the boys shoulder. "Tell daddy what's wrong love" he ordered, his voice calm and subtle as he didn't want the boy to cry anymore.

The hybrid looked at Luke, his bottom lip jutting out before deciding to sit himself up, the thick blankets falling down his body to reveal his five month bump.

"It's stupid" he whimpered, his ears twitching as he fiddled with his thumbs, glancing shyly up. Luke frowned with a tilt of the head as he hooked his index finger under the boys chin.

"You're feelings aren't stupid, now come on, tell me what's wrong" he assured as he captured the boys lips into a sweet kiss before hand.

Michael thought for a moment, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Jus-it's just Mikey, no no, I l-love daddy sho much a-and daddy loves Mik-me, me sho much and makes me fweel sho pwetty, daddy always makes Mikey-me sho happy, a-and even gave me babehs and makes Mikey, I-I mean I fweel like a pwincess and love daddy sho much" he cried.

Luke's face softened at the boys words, his blue eyes looking into Michaels watery green ones. His eyes flickered to the draw and Fuck it, he thought as he reached over and grabbed the small box.

"You are my princess but I'm the king and I want you to be my queen"

I have a new BDSM book out called daddy's little slut and another book out called little baby, check them out if you want

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