[16] roshing around the gristmas tree

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Michael squealed, skipping around the Christmas tree as he was left alone whilst Luke went to greet the people coming over who would be staying for dinner. His purple skirt raised as he skipped, small giggles leaving his lips and Rolling his head from side to side.

"Roshing around the gristmas tree" the kitten boy sung, he had heard the song being played earlier on in the day and it managed to get stuck in his head, and even though he couldn't pronounce some of the words right, he still enjoyed to sing the song. The submissive stopped what he was doing, turning around upon hearing numerous of voices and a few chuckles. His ears flattened against his head in fear and nervousness, he didn't like how many people were actually in the house and it quite honestly terrified the boy.

"Who is this little chap?" A voice asked as he made his way towards Michael, the small boy looked at the man with wide eyes, his hands interlocked behind his back, it's how he would stand when his father would get ready to do something. "Josh this is Michael, Michael this is Josh okay? He won't hurt you" Luke assured, interlocking Michaels small hand with his own to keep the boy close.

Michael nodded meekly. "I won't hurt you buddy" Josh grinned, once Michael was assured that the man wouldn't hurt him, he finally decided to take in the mans appearance. His hair was red and parts stuck out from under his snapback, tattoos scattered his arms, overall he looked friendly and Michael didn't even know why he thought the man would hurt him, or let someone into the house who could hurt Michael.

"M-Mikey be saying hello" he spoke shyly with a small smile on his plump lips, nervously scuffing his feet on the floor under the mans gaze. Luke chuckled, running a hand through the boys hair. "Hello to you too bud" Josh spoke with a toothy grin, Michael titled his to the side as a man, who's tummy was fairly round which caused him to waddle, Michael giggled quietly at this.

"Josh baby" Tyler whined, placing a hand on his swollen tummy as he stood next to Josh. "Hi Luke" he greeted with a wave, his eyes adverting to the much smaller boy. "And who might you be?" He asked, smiling sweetly at the boy who's kitten ears were on point, his tail wrapping round his leg.

"Mikey's name be Mikey" he whispered shyly, his pale cheeks reddening slightly. Tyler cooed, rubbing circles on his growing bump, licking his lips as he sent Luke a smile. "He's adorable" he gushed, raising his hand and scratching behind the boys ears. The blonde nodded in agreement, watching as Michael purred quietly from Tyler's touch. "Right, Mikey stay here I'm going to get some drinks, would you like orange juice baby?" He announced.

"Mikey be wanting owange juice" he giggled, his eyes fluttering shut as he nudged his head against the pregnant mans hands. Josh chuckled, wrapping his arm around his husbands waist.

Michael jumped back, a scream leaving his lips as he felt something kick his tummy. His eyes were wide as he coward away into the corner. Josh let out a humorous laugh causing Michael to send him a scowl, he held his hands up in defense.

"What be kicking Mikey?" He asked, looking around the room with a confused expression on his features. Josh snickered whilst Tyler rolled his eyes at his husband, it was obvious Michael didn't understand. "The baby did love" Tyler explained, walking towards Michael. The hybrid tilted his head to the side, looking at the left, right and even between Tyler's legs to look for the baby.

"Where is babah? Mikey no-no see" he sighed dramatically, looking at the man with pouty lips, batting his eyelashes which caused him to coo at the sight. Tyler didn't say anything as he grabbed Michaels hand, placing it on his tummy, where the baby was last kicking.

Michael leaned closer, squealing when he felt a kick against his hand. "Woah" he whispered with a giggle, pressing his ear to the mans tummy. "H-how did babeh get in tum-tum?" Michael asked, his mouth slightly a gape as the baby continued to kick wherever he placed his small hands. Before Tyler or Josh could speak up, Michael had best them to it.

"You ate babeh" he growled with a glare, his eyes watering slightly, he stomped his foot, not liking how the baby had been ate. "You are meanie, don't ate babeh" he cried, Luke raised his eyebrows as he entered the room with a glass of orange juice, water and two glasses of wine.

"He didn't eat the baby" Josh chuckled, looking at the kitten boy fondly. "You butt face for eating the babeh" he grumbled, shaking his head. "Michael, kitten, what're are you doing?" Luke questioned, placing the drinks on the table. "He ate the babeh daddy, that not fair" he spoke with a sob, burying his head into the mans chest. Luke chuckled deeply, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around the boy.

"He didn't eat the baby, they made him" he explained, running a hand through the boys hair, capturing the boys lips in a passionate kiss.

Josh gagged causing Luke and Tyler to roll their eyes.

Luke handed the submissive his glass of orange juice, to which he wrapped his small hands around the glass. "We need to go for dinner in a minute alright baby boy? Sit beside me, don't want you getting hurt or scared" he murmured, sipping on his glass of wine, Michael only nodded in response.

The younger lad sipped on his drink and as soon as he was finished, he placed back on the table and followed behind Luke towards the dining room where everyone already was. Luke greeted everyone as he made his way to the far end of the table with Michael by his side, some staring at Michael with want but he couldn't see.

He felt awkward due to all the people in the room but luckily he would be with Luke until the meal ends, plus Josh and Tyler where by his side which made it more comforting. Michael made a 'gah' noise as his green eyes landed on the amount of food.

Luke placed his hand on Michaels thigh, giving it a squeeze. "If you're a good boy then maybe you'll get a treat" the dominant whispered huskily into Michaels ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps to rise on the boys pale skin. "Yes daddy, Mikey will" he giggled, pressing a kiss to the mans cheeks which caused many around the table to awe at the sight. Michael blushed at this, leaning his head on Luke's shoulder.


When dinner was done and everyone had left, including Tyler and Josh which made Michael sad although they promised to visit again soon.


"Yes princess?"

"Can daddy and Mikey have babeh?"

Luke's breath hitched at the question, he didn't see him self as one to settle down, especially considering his job and he definitely didn't have children in his mind, so that question made him think, but most of all, wonder where his future was going.

"We'll see kitten, just um, go upstairs and strip"

I was gunna give you smut but that can wait aha oops

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