[34] nothing on tv

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When Michaels eyes landed on the one and only Victoria secret, he obviously wanted to look inside and get some new panties. But, Ashton being Ashton didn't want to go in because well, he would just end up awkwardly waddling around.

"Hold Mr Puddycat" Michael instructed as he handed the small kitten over to his friend, who raised a brow but didn't say anything as he held the cat to his chest. And when he went to say something, he couldn't because all he saw was Michael rushing towards the store with a slight waddle which made him chuckle.

"Well, hello there" Ashton muttered as he sat down on the bench, his eyes widening as the cat hissed and scratched at his shirt, he didn't want Ashton, he wanted Michael.

Ashton could only assume it was a cat thing.

So, whilst Ashton held Mr Puddycat and hoped the car wouldn't claw his eyes out, Michael was blushing as he picked up a pair of lace panties, licking his lips and glancing around, there was only one other person in the store luckily.

With a final glance, he rushed towards the counter with a few pairs of panties, almost tripping over which resulted in him to squeal and repeat to his babies that he's sorry and he loves them so much.

The woman behind the counter grumbled as her eyes landed on the boys kitten ears, to his bump them to the different panties in his small hands.

Michael placed them on the counter, smiling shyly at the woman who slowly scammed the items, eyes not leaving Michaels swollen tummy which made the boy wrap his arms around himself.

"Was there nothing on tv that day?" She chuckled as she gestured to Michaels bump.

The kitten boy just tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Lots of stuff on tv silly" he giggled. The woman rolled her eyes.

Asking the boy questions such as;

'Is the father still with you?'

'Can you even see your feet?'

'You look like a whale' was the statement which made Michaels bottom lip quiver as he heard the people behind him laugh, more had began to enter the shop after ten minutes of Michael looking.

His ears flattened against his head as he left the panties and waddled out the store which made the people laugh even more. "Luke says we should loo-"

"What the fuck happened?" Ashton asked the crying boy, instantly wrapped his arms around his small body to calm him down. The pregnant boy whimpered, pressing his face into Ashton's chest as he sniffled.

"Home, want go home" he mumbled sadly with a pout, wiping away the tears from his pale cheeks and glossy eyes.

Ashton nodded, holding the boys hand with one hand and the other carrying bags whilst Michaels held the kitten on his tummy, Mr Puddycat nudging his head against Michaels bump, Michael giggled sadly at the this.

When the two arrived home, Luke instantly went to question why Michael was cradling a cat to his chest but stopped himself when he noticed the boys puffy, tear stained cheeks.

"Oh baby" he murmured, wrapping his arms around his submissives body and gently rocking them back and forth. "Tell daddy what happened" he spoke softly, running a hand through the boys pink hair and kissing his forehead.

"S-said Mikey was w-whale and laughed b-because can't see feet" he whimpered with tears threatening to roll down his pale cheeks again but Luke was quick to cup the boys face.

"Never believe what they say okay? You're absolutely gorgeous, you're just glowing and carrying two babies" he assured, kissing his lips. Michael nodded meekly with a blush.

"Now, let's take a bath, you need to relax sweetheart" he smiled, interlocking their hands helping Michael up the stairs.

When the two were in the bath, Michael giggled as he and Luke splashed water over his bump and Luke would lean forward to press kisses to the stretched skin.

"Daddy loves you, so, so much" he spoke, smiling against skin, but then he felt a kick where his nose was causing him to jump slightly but grin even wider.

Michael gasped at the feeling, not knowing if it was normal or not. "They're kicking baby" Luke gushed as he pressed two fingers down on the bump and feeling a kick in return. The kitten boys eyes widened as he continued to feel small kicks and the visible outline of one of their babies feet as they did so.

"I love you so, so much baby" he whispered, to which Michael blushed to. "Loves daddy too" he giggled, nuzzling his nose against Luke's collar bone.

Michael was awoken at two in the morning the following day, the sudden urge to eat ham pizza with coleslaw. With a whine, he shook Luke, pouting and flicking his ears when the man didn't even stir.

"Daddy" he whined, shaking the man, the pregnant boy was on the verge of tears, all he wanted was pizza covered in coleslaw but his daddy wouldn't wake up from his slumber.

"Go to sleep" he grunted, opening one eye when Michael continued to shake him and even clamber on top of him.

"Want pizza and coleslaw, pwease daddy" he pouted with a sheepish grin.

"Fucking cravings" Luke grunted, but went to retrieve the items for his baby boy before he had a breakdown.

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