[36] Don't leave daddy

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Luke bit down on his lip, gnawing on it until it drew blood. He nervously gulped as he raised his fist and knocked on the door.

This was it.

It took a few moments until the door opened to reveal Caron, the woman stared at the blonde man with a skeptical but also a slight sympathetic look which just made Luke wipe his sweaty hands on his black skinny jeans.

"Luke" she breathed as she opened the door fully, the dominant forced a smile at the middle aged woman as he stepped into the house.

"Please, let's just make this quick, Michael will freak if he wakes up to an empty bed" he murmured as he walked towards the living room where he heard a soft cry of a baby boy.

Luke's lips twitched into a smile at the sight, the one year old was lying on his tummy, kicking his legs as he watched some random cartoon show which played on the tv.

"Gah" he giggled as he crawled towards the tv and placed his small hand on the glass, hoping that the cartoon character would notice him.

Luke felt his eyes water the longer he stared at the child, he had blonde hair, like Luke, he had blue eyes, like Luke, this was Luke's son and he couldn't believe it. If twenty one months ago, he knew he was expecting a child with his ex girlfriend, he would have stayed with her through the whole thing, maybe not as partners but to help her through the pregnancy and to raise the child.

He didn't think it would be this way, he didn't think he would receive a phone call at two in the morning saying that Kera had passed away and nobody else could look after his son.

A son which he has only just found out about.

He didn't know how he felt, he wondered how Michael would feel, but then again, the hybrid loves children so Luke could only hope there wouldn't be a problem.

There most likely wouldn't be, however, Michael has this on and off switch where one moment he will love soam thing with his whole heart but the next he hates it with his entire existence. Blame his hormones for being all over the place.

"Thank you Luke, if-if you couldn't take him in, he would've been out up for adoption" Caron spoke from the doorway, causing Luke to advert her attention to the woman who was leaning against the doorframe, baby bags in hand for when Luke left.

The blonde nodded, kneeling down and picking Fenton up, the boy letting out a wail as he was distracted from watching his show. "Hello baby" he whispered softly as he stood the boy up on his lap and holding his hands and his small legs tried to keep himself balance.

"I'm you're daddy, yeah?" He murmured as he felt tears prick the corner of his eyes, he didn't know why he was getting so emotional in front of the boy but he couldn't help it as he stared into his electric blue eyes.

"Ma-ma-Mammy" Fenton giggled as he made grabby hands for the man and ginned widely, showing off his teeth which were now starting to come through.

"No baby, I'm daddy not Mammy" he cooed, pressing a kiss to his nose, Fenton scrunched his face up, his small body falling into Luke's which caused Caron to chuckle and Luke to wrap his arms around the young boy.

"Thank you Luke, take extra care of him" Caron smiled sadly as she handed the man the bags over which continued the one years old toys and whatnot. "I'll make sure of it" he replied as the boy squirmed in his grasp, wanting to be put down.


"Who that?" Michael giggled as he pointed towards the blonde boy in his daddy's hold. "Michael, this-this is my son, okay and I don't want you to-"

"Babeh" the pregnant hybrid shouted with a grin as he waddled over to the two and poked the child's nose earning a giggle from him.

"You aren't mad?" Luke asked with a sigh of relief leaving his lips as he placed Fenton on the couch and the bags on the ground.

"Mikey unstand, daddy loved babehs Mammy so much and made babeh but bad happened to Mammy yesh? And daddy loves Mikey and made two wittle babehs but daddy won't leave Mikey, Yesh?"

Luke's heart swelled as he embraced the boy into a hug. "Never in a million years" he spoke, his words slightly muffled by Michaels soft hair which had a scent of bubblegum.

Fenton squealed and giggled as he pointed towards the two, his small body rolling to the side as giggles continued to fall past his lips. 

Luke could get use to this.

Yeah so it probably came off as something really dramatic in the last chapter but idk
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