1. Watch out!

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I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my first saulbert fanfic! ~~~~♡♡♡

Adam's POV:

Yes, finally! I've just finished the promotion of my new album 'Trespassing' and before I'll get started with the tour I have freetime a couple weeks. Time to spend with Sauli, my boyfriend.

I love him so much! Our love is something special. I've never felt this way before. Sauli is always here when I need him. He supports me in everything I do. He knows my feelings. He knows me better than I know myself...

By the way, we're listening to that song by now. We're on the highway right now, driving home and of course, listening to my new album. I am driving, Sauli, my love, is on the passenger seat.

"So, what's your favourite song from this album, baby?" I want to know.

"Uuhm... I don't know, I love them all. You did a great job, I'm so proud of you!" He smiles and kisses my cheek.

I blush. "Aww thank you! But if you have to pick one?"

Okay, that's mean. I wouldn't be able to pick one favourite either.

"That's really hard... maybe... 'Broken English'?" , he says, just as 'Broken English' starts to play.

"I just love everything about that song. It's so special."

"Well, good choice!" I smile and turn up the volume a bit.

Sauli laughs. "I knew you would say that, no matter which song I chose!"

I give him the stank face. "That's not true!" I say, although we both know he's right. Sauli laughs even more and I laugh with him. Everyone has to laugh when he does. He has such a positive energy, that makes you feel happy immediately.

"So, what are we gonna do tonight?"

Sauli asks. "Mmh... maybe we could have some 'fun'?" I smirk.

"Fun? Sounds good!" He replies and gave me a sexy smile. Actually he always looks sexy when he smiles.

I lean over and kiss him quickly.

"Baby, better concentrate on the traffic, we can do that at home." Sauli tells me and I look at the street again.

Just at that moment I see a car in front of me racing towards us. Very fast! It takes me a moment to realize that. Then suddenly, I hear Sauli screaming.


I try to dodge to the right, but it was already to late. The strange car crashs into us with a very high speed, our car is thrown away, rolls over and remains upside down on the edge of the street. I'm so shocked, I don't even scream. And suddenly, everything turns black...

Sauli's POV:

It takes me a minute to figure out what just happened. Am I dead? Obviously not. Adam. He was the only thing I can think about right now. Is he okay? I realize only now, that our car is upside down. I turn to the side. Adam hangs in his seat belt in a weird pose. His eyes are closed.

"Adam? Are you okay?" He doesn't answer. I notice, that his head is bleeding. I start to panic. He's injured! He needs an abulance right away! I unfasten my own belt as fast as I can and crawl to Adam. Fortunately it seems like I didn't get hurt much. I release Adam from his seat belt as well and drag him out of the broken car. It was very hard to open the door, because it was bent and clamps, but in the end I made it. I can't prevent that I hurt myself on some shards, they are everywhere.

Outside I place Adam's bleeding head on my lap. "Adam, baby, can you hear me?" I start crying. It hurts so much to see him like that. "SOMEONE PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yell some people get out of they're car and take out they're cellphones.

I look at my boyfriend again. His heart is still beating. "Adam please say anything. ANYTHING!"

Suddenly he looks at me with his eyes barely open. "Adam!" He's alive! I stroke a strand of hair out of his face. I look at him through my tears. "Sauli." He says my name almost inaudible before he passes out again.

"Noo! Adam, please! Please don't leave me! PLEASE!" I cry louder. Please don't let him die! I love him so much...My tears are falling down on his face. I don't care how I look like. I don't care if my pants are soaked by Adam's blood. The only one I care about is Adam. I just want him to be healthy and alive! I break down devastated, my forehead laying on Adam's. I can't think right anymore. Maybe he's going to die...

Finally I heard the sirens of the ambulance.

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