5. Home again

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Sauli's POV:

I don't want to leave my boyfriend alone at the hopsital. It's so cute, that he wants me to get some rest though. I guess I really need some rest and so does Adam. I wait for him to fall asleep, then I kiss his forehead softly and leave the room as quietly as I can.

At home I get changed and realize, that I'm still wearing my dirty jeans, which was full of dried blood, because Adam's bleeding head was laying in my lap. I don't even want to remember it. He could have been dead!

I throw the jeans in my trashcan and put some fresh boxers and a tshirt on. Then I go to bed and fall asleep immediately. I was really tired...


When my alarm rings the next day, I turn it off and just lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. All memories of yesterday come back at once. The accident, the hospital, Adam almost died, Adam... will he ever speak again?

I couldn't help but release a tear. I whipe it away quickly and got up. It's 6 am now. I want to be at the hospital before Adam wakes up. I promised it. So I get dressed and also pack some clothes for Adam in a bag. I saw the clothes he was wearing at the accident in a plastic bag at the hopsital. They were completely ripped and blood soaked.

Before I leave the house I grab Adam's favourite leather jacket. Then I get outside and in my car. During the drive I stop at apple store to get Adam a new iphone. His is completely damaged, like his car. I can't believe my phone is still working. Wow, why were I so lucky?

I arrive at the hopsital at 7 am and immediately head to Adam's room. I open the door quietly, place the bag with Adam's things next to his bed and sit down in the chair. My baby is still sleeping. I don't want to wake him and use the time to set his new phone.

About an hour later he turns around and opens his eyes slowly. He still looks tired, it was so cute.

"Morning baby!"

I lean over and kiss his cheek. Adam tries to say something too, then remembers, that he's lost his voice yesterday and his look becomes sad.

It breaks me. But I have to be strong. I try to distract him and hand him the new iphone.

"Look, I got you a new phone, because yours is completely broken. I also brought you some fresh clothes."

Adam's eyes become big, like he can't believe I did this for him. Then he gives me a bright smile, sits up and hugs me. He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses my lips softly.

Actions can express so much more than words. I'm glad Adam is happy. Happy because of his new phone, it's really important to him. It's so good to see him smile although he's in such a terrible situation.
Dr. Bloom comes in and I talk to him, while Adam was messing around with his phone. Then the doctor wants me to wait outside so he can have a look at Adam. When I get in again he told me:

"Mr. Lambert is fine so far. The wound on his head and the bruises will heal again. We still can't say, whether he's going to talk ever again or not, but besides that, he's fine and can go home. Just come here again in two weeks so we can check on him again."

He can go home? That's great! I smile.

"Thank you so much Dr. Bloom! Adam, did you listen? We can both go home today!"

Adam nodds and gives me a little smile. The doctor leaves the room and Adam pulls out some of the clothes I brought him and get dressed. I pack his stuff together and carry it to my car with him walking next to me.

The drive to our house was kind of embarrassing. We were silent the whole time. Of course Adam is silent, he can't talk! Dumbass.

Yeah, true. But I don't say anything either. I just don't know what. I wonder how Adam is feeling right now. And I wonder how I would feel if I were him. I think I would be devastated and cry. Adam doesn't. I wonder why. It seems like I was sadder then him, about what happened. That's weird.


In the evening Adam and me get both ready for sleeping.

We passed time today, while doing anything where you don't have to speak, like watching a movie and cooking dinner together, while listening to music. We didn't listen to Adam's songs, like we usually do, because I know it would break him.

I don't know what's going to happen, when he'll really never be able to sing again. I didn't dare to ask him. I didn't want to see him sad again. He deserves nothing of this.

When he wants to tell me something, he writes on a sheet of paper or on his phone. That works quite well. I miss his voice though...

Anyway, we both lay down in bed. That's the time when he usually sang a song for me. Often it's nirvana or outlaws of love. Or broken english. He knows that it always makes me sleep better. That was in the past. I don't know if he'll ever sing for me again. Why can't I just stop thinking about that? He WILL sing and talk again! He has to! Maybe a miracle happens and he will talk again. I try to convince me with that thought.

"Good night, baby, I love you!" I tell him and kiss his cheek. Adam turns around, reaching for his phone on the bedside table. I grab his arm.

"It's okay, I know you love me, too."

Adam nodds smiling weakly and gives me a quick kiss before he lays down. I turn the lights off and lay down too. I'm still wondering how Adam takes it so easy. Or maybe he's just pretending to...

So I wondering if someone is actually reading this story. Seems like you don't like it as much as my other works. Is it because of Saulbert? Whatever... I still going to continue it, because I want to. And if some of you had read until know, thanks♡

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