21. I am in love

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Real final chapter!!^^ I hope you'll like it♡

Sauli's Pov:

To make sure that Adam is comfortable, I look him in the eyes and ask one more time:

"Are you sure?"

Adam nods and we both smile. It kinda feels like our first time, although we've done it so many times. I give my boyfriend a little kiss on his soft lips, before I enter him slowly. Adam gasps in pain and I wait a few seconds, so he can get used to it. He signalized me with eye contact to go on and I start thrusting into him.

He is so tight and it feels so good, I can't help but moan loudly. When my thrusts become harder and faster Adam moans, too, which is turning me on even more. When I almost feel like reaching the edge, I grab his member and pump it in the rhythm of my thrusts. Adam's moaning becomes louder and he's clinging the sheets. We both come almost at the same time. It feels wonderful! I pull out of him and fall down next to him. We are both breathing heavily and obviously need a minute to calm down.

After a moment I stand up, searching for some tissues. When I come back Adam's face is still red and his hair is messy. He looks so cute! I clean everything up and then lay down next to Adam again.

"That was amazing! I'm so glad that everything between us is okay again. To be honest I have no idea how I could live without you."

I stroke Adam's cheek and lean in to kiss him. Our lips collide and I feel nothing but the real feeling of being in love. I forget everything else, I can't think about anything but Adam, he's the thought I wanna have for the rest of my life. I want to be here for him for the rest of his life. I want to always hold him, even if my pants will be soaked by his blood like they were in the accident and.... actually I promised myself to never think about that horrible day again, so let's go back to Adam. Our lips are still moving together and I don't care that Adam is sweating like crazy and shouldn't have showered before we had sex. I'm with him. That's the only important thing right now.

When we run out of air I break the kiss and when I look into Adam's eyes I realize some tears running down his cheeks. I immediately become scared that I did something wrong, so the first thing that comes into my mind was to apologize.

"Baby, I'm sorry!"

A smile appears on Adam's face.

"Haha why? I'm fine, I was just thinking about what you were saying. I couldn't live without you either. You're everything to me and that will never change. I know I can be a dick sometimes, but whatever is going to happen, you have to remember that I love you. Forever. And I don't want fight with you ever again. I just want you to stay by my side!"

After these words Adam gave me the tightest hug ever. I've never felt so safe before. I rest my head on Adam's shoulder and run my fingers through his hair. Now everything is perfect just the way it is. And now that Adam has his voice back he can also go on tour again! I'm so excited to see him perform again. Suddenly Adam pulls away.

"I have to call my manager and tell him that he doesn't have to cancel the tour! I've almost forgotten that it starts in a month! I'm gonna make sure to get you a seat right in front of the stage at the first concert."

Obviously we were thinking about the same thing. "Thank you, love! And while you're calling him, I can make dinner!", I suggest.

"No way! I'll call him later. Let's cook dinner together, we haven't done that in such a long time!"

"Sound great!"

We both get dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. When Adam wanted me to turn on the radio, I put his new album in the cd player instead. We need some really good music now! And as we are both singing along to 'trespassing' we make the food ready.

A few months later

Adam's POV:

I've been on tour for some months now. The best months of my life! I love travelling around the world and to make my fans happy. My glamberts that are so cute and protecting; I love them so much and I really appreciate how they respect me.

The last few months were perfect to me! I enjoy every single moment of my life and never want them to end. The best thing in my life is that I am in love. Sauli is the best thing that ever happened to me. I still love him like I did when we first met. I never stopped loving him and I won't ever stop. We avoid talking about the accident, the cheating thing and everything bad that had happened between us.

We live in the now, and now we love each other more than anything on this world, as cheesy as that sounds. I'm so happy and I'm glad that I can make Sauli happy, too.

Today is my concert in Helsinki, where Sauli lives. I arrived a few days ago to spend some time with my beloved boyfriend. I missed him so much! It's hard to not see him in weeks, but now I'm finally with him again.

Sauli told me how happy and excited he is to see me on stage tonight. I made sure he got the best place in the front row. The show starts and I sing the first few songs. When I talk to the audience between the songs I keep involving Sauli.

"Are you having fun?"

The audience cheers and screams.

"Sauli, are you having fun?", I ask and look at my boyfriend between my fans.
I can see him cheering and lifting to thumbs up. I laugh before I announce my next song, which was 'cuckoo' by the way.

In the end of the concert I announce the last song.

"This song is dedicated to a special person. It's dedicated to Sauli."

I point at my boyfriend, and we're looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you baby!" I said and the audience screams even louder.

I can tell by Sauli's face how happy he was when the music of 'broken english' , his favorite song, starts playing.

Sometimes it's hard to tell a person what you feel. You want to tell them so many things, but somehow no sound is leaving your lips. Maybe people could misunderstand you. But if the person loves you, they will always understand you and what you feel. Everyone has to find his own way to express their feelings. There's body language or you can just sing a song, like I do. And when it still happens that you want to tell so many things and can't get a sound out, just let the other person read the look on your face and I don't know that's basically what broken english is about.


So this is the end.
It was really fun to write this story. I really got into it, so it's weird to know that the story is over. I really hope that you liked it though & thank you so much for reading, liking, commenting♡♡

(And I don't know what I was writing in the end haha, I didn't want the story to end abrupt, so I wrote some shit about broken english. I love that song, it's always been one of my favourites :))

Btw maybe I'll quit writing fanfictions. I know that some of you really like my stories and many people tell me I'm such a good writer. I really appreciate that! Thank you so much!
I just have almost no time to write and that's also why I suck at updating chapters. Moreover idk I'm not really feeling the fanfictions anymore. Maybe I'm gonna made up some other stories to entertain you, but yeah...

I wrote an adommy oneshot like months ago and will publish it soon as my 'last' fanfiction. Who knows, maybe I'll find back to the writing stuff in a few months....

I love you guys,


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