15. Hurt

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Surprise! I decided to release this chapter two days earlier than planned, because I will be very busy with school this week. Enjoy reading!♡


Sauli's POV:

Gabe breaks the kiss and starts kissing down my jawline and then my neck.

"I can't do this, I have a boyfriend!"

"He's probably sleeping. He'll never know!" , Gabe takes off mine and his shirt and continues sucking on my neck. I moan quietly. Shit, this has to stop! If Adam noticed... I hope he really is sleeping! I already feel bad for what I'm doing, but otherwise Gabe is right: Adam will never know!

Gabe rips down my pants, then his own. He grabs my member and strokes it a few times, while I'm trying not to moan loudly.

Although the thought that it's wrong what I'm doing and that I'm a terrible boyfriend never leaves me, I can't help but enjoy it. When Gabe takes my member in his mouth I let out a loud moan and cover my mouth with my hand quickly. My head says I have to stop, my body wants to go on. My body wins.
I just can't wait any longer! I make Gabe turn around and place myself behind him. I don't want to waist time by preparing him, I know that he doesn't mind. Slowly I start thrusting into him. When Gabe moans I start moving faster and my thrusts get harder.

"Aaahhh, Fuck! Sauli! I missed that so much!", he moans.

"Ssshh! Be quiet, we don't want to wake Adam!", I remind him gasping.

"I'm sure he doesn't hear us..aahh!"

I try to believe him. For now I just want to enjoy all the things I haven't had in the past weeks. At the moment I don't realize that I made a big big mistake.

Adam's POV:

I can't sleep, what doesn't really surprise me. I've spent my evening by watching a horror movie, which unfortunately wasn't really scaring me. I think to bring my voice back there has to happen something that shocks me really bad. I'm gonna ask Sauli if he knows something. I heard him coming home a few minutes ago. He's still downstairs, maybe he's eating something before he goes to sleep. Together we could think of a reason to bring my voice back. Since I read that article on the internet I have hope again. And I remember the doctor told me, that maybe I won't be mute forever. I totally forgot about that! I need to talk to Sauli right now. And somehow I feel the need to hug him, too.

I jump off the bed, get out of the bedroom and walk down the stairs. Before I open the door to the living room I hear some noises. My boyfriend is probably watching TV. I open the door smiling, expecting nothing bad. I can't believe what I see when I enter the room.

"OH MY GOD!!", I scream. I scream! Did I really scream? I can talk again!? Omg my voice is back! I can't be happy about it though. What I'm seeing is the most shocking and hurting thing I've ever seen! I've never thought this would happen. I've never thought my boyfriend would do something like that.

Sauli pulls his dick out of the man's ass, they both seem to be surprised that I walked in on them. Excuse me, but this is also my house! My "boyfriend" turns around.

"Adam... did you just talk?"

He has just cheated on me and everything he cares about is that I can talk again?! Does he know how hurt I am right now? This is too much. I feel tears running down my face.

"That doesn't matter anymore!"

Sauli takes some boxers on quickly, walks over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I can explain everything..."

"Don't touch me! I don't need an explanation!", I shout and take a few steps away from him.

"No, Adam, baby, please listen to me! Gabe is..."

Gabe interrupts him. "I'm Sauli's ex boyfriend and..."

"Shut up, you make everything worse. Can you please leave? I'll call a taxi for you", Sauli grabs his phone and calls a taxi, Gabe grabs his clothes and leaves, I'm just standing there, trying to believe what's going on. Sauli hasn't told me that Gabe was his ex. I thought he would meet him to talk, not to fuck him! More tears are running down. Sauli ends the call.

"Adam, look, this meant nothing to me! I'm a bit drunk and I wasn't thinking! You have to believe me, I love you!"

"Liar! I trusted you with everything I had!", I yell at him in tears.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Stop lying! Everything you wanted was to fuck me and when you realized, that I didn't want to, you just took someone else! Why can't you just admitt that a depressed mute boyfriend wasn't good enough?"

Sauli shakes his head and a tear runs down his cheek.

"How can you say that?", he whispers.

"You should rather have left me, instead of cheating on me! I fucking trusted you! You knew how much you and our relationship meant to me! Why do you have to ruin it? Why, Sauli?", I yell.

Sauli doesn't respond, he's just looking at the ground. Now he's really crying.

I try to calm my voice down.

"You were everything to me!", I tell him.

"You still ARE everything to me! Baby, I was...."

"Never call me 'baby' again!", I shout in his face and raise one hand like I'm about to slap him. I don't want to hit him again, although we both know that he'd deserve it. I've never been angry and hurt like that. How could he have done this to me?

Sauli flinches. He takes a deep breath before talking again.

"Adam.... I've never meant to hurt you!"

"Well, you did!"

I walk away, not looking at him. I run up the stairs and into the bedroom, locking the door behind me. I break down on the bed crying. I just want to be alone.

Sorry for this chapter, but I thought the story needed to be more dramatic idk I like that:D

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