4. Lost

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Adam's POV:

The last thing I remember was a car racing towards ours. There was probably an accident. Am I hurt? I think so, cause I'm in lying in a hospital bed. And my head hurts badly. What else happened? Where's Sauli? Is he okay? I want to see my boyfriend!

I try to open my eyes slowly. I turn my head to the left and see Sauli smiling. He doesn't look injured, I'm glad. I smile back weakly and realize that he's holding my hand. So cute!

"Hey, baby, how are you now?" he asks me.

"Well, I guess I'm okay." I whisper very quietly. Or at least I try to.

Sauli asks me to repeat it, because he wasn't able to understand. And so did I. But somehow there was no sound coming out. What's wrong with me? I try again. Still no sound. Suddenly I feel scared. What's going on? Did I lose my voice?

I try again and again to speak, but it doesn't work. I grab Sauli's hand in panic.

"Adam, baby, what's wrong?" He wants to know, but I can't tell him. I just can't, I'm not able to speak anymore. So all I can do is giving him a shocked look.

The male doctor standing next to Sauli realized it first.

"Seems like Mr. Lambert isn't able to talk."

I nodd still in panic. I can't believe what's happening! I hope that won't last forever...

The doctor announces to have a look at me again and wants Sauli to leave the room.

"Don't worry, baby, everything's gonna be fine." He says and leaves. He doesn't sound very convinced. And neither am I. I'm scared.

After the medication Dr. Bloom (he told me his name) lets Sauli in again, who sits down next to me on the bed and grabs my hand immediately. Dr. Bloom begins to speak:

"Well, I'll explain now, what happened to you. The good point is, you remember almost everything, besides some details of the accident."

That's true. He asked me about my name, my career, my family and luckily I remember everything.

"The bad news are, that you hit your head very hard at the accident. So hard that you lost your ability to talk and also to sing. We can't exactly say, whether it will last forever, or only some months. I'm sorry Mr. Lambert. Let's hope the best!"

After these words he leaves the room to let me and Sauli alone. I'm even more scared now. Some months? Forever? Maybe I'll never be able to talk and sing again. I don't even want to think about that! What's happening to my career? The whole tour has to be canceled...

Suddenly I realize that Sauli is crying quietly next to me. His head lays on my shoulder. Actually I should be the one crying. I'll probably never talk again. But I want to show Sauli that I'm strong. Although I'm not quite sure I am. I don't want him to see me crying though. I lift his chin up and whipe his tears away. It hurts to see him so sad. He deserves to be happy! I try to smile and kiss his cheek while rubbing his back in circles.

It's already 10 o'clock in the evening. I've just realized that now, probably because I passed out for so long.

"You have to be very tired, Adam. I think it's better when you go to sleep now."

Sauli says and stands up. I shake my head and grab his hand. I don't want him to leave!

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you here alone. I'll just get a chair..."

He brings a chair, places it next to my bed and sits down. I lay down in bed and Sauli covers me with the blanket. I keep looking at him. He looks very tired and exhausted. I on the other hand am not even a bit tired.

Sauli leans his head against the wall. Seems like he isn't able to keep his eyes open. I grab a paper and a pencil from the table next to my bed. The doctor gave it to me to communicate. I write:

It's okay, when you're tired. Go home and get some sleep. I love you.

I pat on Sauli's Arm and as he opens his eyes I hand him the paper. He reads it.

"Are you sure?"

I nodd. Sauli thinks about it.

"Okay. I love you too! I'm gonna leave as soon as you fall asleep and I'll be right here tomorrow when you wake up, I promise."

I smile and close my eyes. I'm still not tired, but I also don't want to keep Sauli awake. So I pretend to sleep and when Sauli wants to know, whether I'm sleeping ten minutes later, I don't open my eyes. I feel a soft kiss on my forehead and hear Sauli leaving quitely.

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