14. Memories

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Adam's POV:

I heard a noise from the front door. Finally! Where has Sauli been so long? He told me it would only take half an hour. I get up from the sofa to meet my boyfriend in the hall.

"Hey! I met my... eehhm... an old friend and we talked a bit too long. I should have texted you, I'm sorry!"

I tell Sauli with gestures that it's okay. I just wonder who that friend is.

"Have you already had dinner?", Sauli wants to know.

I nod. Actually I've only eaten a banana since breakfast, but Sauli seems to be so happy, I don't want to destroy that by making him worry.


"I'm gonna meet Gabe tonight at a bar. We still have so many things to talk about!", Sauli tells me next day.
Who the fuck is Gabe? I give my boyfriend a questioned look.

"Oh, sorry, Gabe is the old friend I met yesterday. Is it okay for you when I see him today? I mean, I can stay at home, if you want me to..."

I shake my head. He can go. When he can't talk with me, he can at least talk to his friends.

"Thanks, Adam! I don't know when I'll be home; maybe you're already sleeping then."

I nod. That's okay for me.

So after dinner Sauli leaves the house. I go to bed with my laptop and look a bit through the internet. After a while I find a website that shows what you can do if you became mute or deaf in an accident. An article says that you can get your voice/hearing back, when something unexpected happens, which surpises or shocks you. Or when something/someone scares you really bad.

I'm not sure, whether I should believe that, but it sounds interesting to me. Maybe I can try and watch a horror movie then...

Sauli's POV:

I didn't tell Adam, who Gabe really is. Maybe he wouldn't allow me to see him again. I'm not quite sure if he trusts me enough to be okay with me seeing my ex boyfriend. I also didn't tell Adam about the kiss and I'm not going to tell him. Who knows if he'd believe me that Gabe is just a friend to me.

In the evening I walk to the bar, which was only about five minutes away. Gabe was already there. When he sees me he stands up and I hug him. I wish I could hug my boyfriend like this, too...
Gabe orders some whiskey and we start talking about everything. About our jobs, old friends, interests... everything that comes into our minds. We have so much in common. I think that's why we've been together years ago. It feels so good to have someone to talk to. We also talk about our old relationship and everything we had experienced together when we were younger. I remember that we broke up, because we didn't love each other anymore. But that was earlier. I have a better boyfriend now anyway. Moreover I like Gabe better as a friend than as my boyfriend.

When our glasses are empty, Gabe orders new drinks for us. After a while we are slightly drunk. I think Gabe drank a bit more than me. We've just started to talk about my relationship with Adam.

"So how is Adam in bed? He's not better than me, is he?"

Gabe makes a short break then says: "Just kidding!"

I giggle. "I honestly don't remember how you were in bed. And the last time I slept with Adam is also a while ago, so I can't tell."

"Awwh poor Sauli got nobody to pleasure him!", Gabe laughs at me and I laugh with him.

"Yeah Adam's not in the mood at the time", I explain and chuckle.

Actually that's not funny, but when drink alcohol, everything is funny to me. I take a look at my phone and it's already midnight.

"I think it's time to go home now!", I tell Gabe.

"Haha okay, will you walk me to my car?"

"Are you serious? You're drunk, you can't drive! You can sleep over at my place if you want. Hope you're comfortable with the sofa."

"Sure. Thanks, dude!"

We pay our drinks and walk the short way to my house. On the way we were giggling and laughing like teenagers about random shit. When we arrive I unlock the front door and lead Gabe into the living room. He waits on the sofa until I bring some blankets for him.

"Thanks, Sauli, that's so nice of you!", he says and then hugs me tightly. I enjoy these hugs so much! They make me feel safe and... special.

"No problem! We're friends, remember?"

Gabe breaks the embrace and nods smiling. Then he looks at me like he did yesterday before he kissed me. His face moves closer to mine. Now it's only one inch away. Don't be stubid, Sauli, you have a boyfriend! I know that it's a mistake. I know I shouldn't do that. And yet I kiss him. The kiss was very passionately and it brings back memories from our relationship five years ago. I enjoy the kiss so much. I know it's wrong what I'm doing though.

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