20. Ready?

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Final chapter!!
Warning: sexual content! (Sorry, but there has to be a sex scene in the end of this story^^)

Adam's POV:

We make our way into the bedroom, kissing and trying to undress each other on the way. Suddenly I let off my boyfriend and he looks at me confused.

"Baby, really have to take a shower! I think I smell badly, because I was running."

Sauli giggles. "Okay, but hurry!"
He disappears in the bedroom and I enter the bathroom, where I get rid of my clothes before I hop in the shower and turn the water on. When I was finished with showering I turn the water off again and just wanted to turn around, when I feel someones arms wrapping around me from behind. Somehow I'm not surprised and turn my head to kiss Sauli, who is already naked, too.

Then I break the kiss and take a towel to dry my body. Sauli is watching me. After a minute he takes the towel away from me and says: "I told you to hurry!"

I smirk. "Someone's impatient..."
Then I lift my boyfriend up and carry him to our bed.
Sauli laughs. "Adam, I can walk!"

"Yeah?" I smile and drop him that he lands on the soft bed. Then I crawl over to him and place my lips on his, because that's where they belong. Sauli moans into the kiss when I grab his length and stroke it. His moaning gets louder and louder and I decided that it's time to replace my hand with my mouth. At first I just twist my tongue around his tip slowly.

"Gaaawd Adam, this is torture! Take it in already!", Sauli complains and I smile and enjoy him suffering a few seconds.

"Adaaam! Please!"

It's so cute how he is begging! I don't want to torture him any longer so I take his whole erection in my mouth and start to suck. Sauli bends his body underneath me while moaning loudly. When he comes, he's almost screaming and wants to cover his mouth, but I grab his hand that he can't. I wanna hear him! I swallow his cum and crawl next to my heavy breathing boyfriend, who had his eyes closed the whole time. Seems like he really enjoyed it. That's what I wanted to achieve.

It's really important to me to make my boyfriend feel good, after everything he went through. I want to show him that I really love him, that he needn't worry about me ever leaving him; I want to show him how special and important he is to me.

I gave Sauli a minute to calm down a bit, until I start to kiss his neck softly.

Sauli's POV:

Wow, I've almost forgotten how talented Adams lips are! And his tongue... he's just amazing!

When I felt small tender kisses on my neck, I open my eyes. I saw Adam and we just smiled at each other.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, I could stare at them for hours and still wouldn't get boring!", Adam says and strokes my cheek.

I missed those little compliments so much! The best about them is, that they're honest. Adam proved that he really means what he says. I can trust him. Now I'm sure I can.

"Thanks, babe!", I lean in and kiss Adam. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too!", he replies into the kiss.

As we're making out I feel more and more lust. I want him! Right now! I just wonder if that's also what he wants... I'm afraid Adam is still depressed somewhere deep inside and not ready for more. I have no idea, so let's try and find out.

I break our kiss and ask:
"Adam? Where do we keep the condoms?"

Adam stops moving, it's like he's holding his breath for a few seconds. I wonder what he's thinking. Than he turns around and crawls to his bedside table where he takes a condom out of the drawer. Then he rips it open with his teeth, but somehow I can tell, he's not really comfortable with what he's doing.

"Hey... we don't have to do it! I'm not forcing you into something you're not okay with!"

"I know... it's just.... those memories..",

Adam shakes his head and his eyes are watering. I'm pretty sure he's thinking about Gabe and me by talking about 'memories'.

I wrap my arms around Adam and hug him as tight as I could.

"It's okay. I love you. Only you! There's nothing to be afraid of! But only you can decide, whether you're ready or not. I'm okay whatever your choice is. You don't have to say 'yes' just because of me!"

Adam takes a few deep breathes and smiles at me. Suddenly he smashes his lips into mine again.

"I'm fine. And I'm ready. Let's go for it!"

He kisses me again and starts rolling the condom over my penis. I was so surprised, I can't even answer. I smile when he lays down on his back in front of me. I slowly prepare him with my fingers and some lube until I place myself behind his entrance....

.... to be continued.....

Haha oops, this chapter is already long enough, so I guess there will be another one :) I'm gonna release it as soon as possible!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vanessa

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