7. Tell them

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Adam's POV:

Somehow I managed it to sleep at least a few hours in the morning. I get up and take a quick shower. Then I put jeans, a white tshirt and a necklace on. I wasn't in the mood to use makeup today; I don't plan on leaving the house anyway.

Then I go downstairs to find Sauli. He's standing in the kitchen making breakfast. How nice of him! I come closer without a sound, then I hug him from behind and kiss his neck softly. Sauli jumps.

"Babe, you scared me!"

But then he smiles and I smile back and kiss him as an excuse.

For a moment I forgot all my problems. Sauli's kisses make me forget everything else.

But all the problems and thoughts come back when we had set the table and start to eat. Sauli talks to me, ask me questions and I can only nod or shake my head. It's awful. Will it ever be the same as before? I mean I'm not even able to tell Sauli how beautiful he looks today. That really sucks!

After breakfast, which was actually kind of lunch, because it's already 1pm, the telephone rings. Sauli answers it, because I can't. After a few minutes he comes back.

"It was your mom. She wanted to know, how you're doing. I told her, you're okay and that you're trying to get used to your problem."

I wonder, if that's the truth. To be honest, I think I might never get used to the problem of being mute. It's so hard, I don't think I will ever get over it. But I don't tell that to Sauli; he has enough sorrows. So I just nod as I aways do.

In the afternoon Tommy and Ashley come over for an hour to look how I'm doing. I really appreciate that, it's so nice of them. We sit down in the living room and I had my laptop in front of me, to communicate with them.

"Is it sure that you won't ever sing again?", Tommy asks.

I shrug and write:

The doctors don't even know.

"There's still hope. I won't leave the band, until it's sure, you'll never sing again." , Ashley says.

"Yeah, me neither. We're always here for you and it doesn't matter to me, if I lose my job, I just want you to be okay", Tommy adds.

I mouth "Thank you" and hug them both smiling.

"By the way, have you already told your fans?", Ashley asks.

Sauli, who just came in with some drinks for us answers for me: "No, he hasn't."

I know I have to tell them. There are probably already rumors about it. I know that it'll disappoint thousands of glamberts, but I have no choice.

I sigh and open twitter on my laptop.

The rumors are true, I did lose my voice. It's not sure, whether it's going to come back or not. Tour has to be cancelled.

I try not to cry when I pushed the enter button. How many people will cry when the read that? I don't even want to imagine. Ashley rubbs my back.

"I'm sure they'll still love you. We are glamily, remember? You're fans will get used to it."

They have no other choice, jeez. But she's right. I can always count on my glamberts. And on my friends. I'm so thankful for them visiting me and being there for me. I walk Tommy and Ashley out and hug them, before they go home.

Sauli's POV:

It was almost evening when Tommy and Ashley went home. I realize that we need some things for dinner. I ask Adam, whether he would come with me to buy them, but he tells me (by typing on his phone) that he doesn't want to go outside.

"Are you sure, you wanna stay at home alone?"

I ask again. Usually we always go shopping together. Adam nods.

"Okay then. I'll be back in one hour."

I kiss him goodbye and leave the house. In my car I can finally listen to Adam's music again. I didn't dare to do that when he's around; I know he would get sad and depressed, because he can't sing anymore. I breathe relieved when the music starts. Incredible, how much I miss his voice! And 'Trespassing' is a masterpiece. I'm so proud of my boyfriend. And even if he can't sing, people can still buy his amazing albums.

It's only a short way to the supermarket, so I skip some songs. I want to listen to my favourite one.

Can't say all the little things, that I wanna tell you right now.
I know you won't understand, but I gotta tell you somehow.
And on and on and in I go, connect the neck to us below,
I know
Now you're body language is broken, broken english.

Adam's vocal ability is unbelievable! That's one thing I like about this song. And I like the lyrics, they kind of remind me of Adam's current situation, which is actually a bad thing. I try to not think about that and concentrate on the music.

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