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Sauli's POV:

I wake up in a hospital bed. I have no idea what happened. Did I pass out? My eyelids are heavy from all the crying. He's dead. I remember, unable to move. I just stare at the ceiling, waiting for someone to wake me from this nightmare. Please let me out of this dream! I'm shocked and start to breathe heavily. What's going to happen now? With me, with my life? I can't live without him...

This is not true. It can't be true! I can't believe it and I never will. I've just lost the most important person in my life. My eyes are releasing tears again.

The blonde nurse came into the room.

"Oh, Mr. Koskinen, you woke up! How do you feel?"

Is she kidding? How does she expect me to feel after everything I went through? I sit up.

"How I feel? I think you don't understand! My boyfriend just died! How am I supposed to feel? HE'S DEAD! HE WILL NEVER COME BACK!"

Oops. I didn't mean to yell at her. It's just what I feel right now.

The nurse looked at me shocked, than sits down next to me on the bed and puts her hand on my shoulder. I look at her and she smiles.

"Mr. Lambert isn't dead. He just..."

I cut her off.

"What? He is alive? How? I heard that sound from the generator..."

"That was because his heart stopped beating for like a minute or two. He couldn't breathe. The doctors were able to safe him though. They're pretty sure that he'll be okay. He should wake up in some minutes. If you feel okay, you can see him now."

My heart skips a beat. Adam is alive! He's going to be okay! The next thing I can't believe. Omg! I smile, take a deep breath.... and start to cry. But these are tears of joy! I've never got such a relieving message. I cry harder and lean my head against the nurse. She seems to be very sympathetic and rubs my back. Wow, I've never cried that much in one day.

Then I realize that I'm allowed to see Adam now.

"Can I please see him? I'm fine, really!"

The nurse tells me that I probably passed out in shock when I thought Adam died. I don't really care about that, because he ISN'T dead. All I want for now is to finally see him!

The blonde nurse takes me to the elevator. We go to the second floor where she leads me to his room. Room 291. I smile. His birthday is on 29th January.

"I'll leave you alone now, just get in. The doctor will come in a few minutes to see if he woke up."

I nodd. And take some deep breathes. I'm afraid again to see Adam in this condition. But I can't wait anymore! I slowly open the door and get in.

I stop and look at him first. I try not to cry again. I've been crying enough for today. My poor baby! He had a tube in his nose now, for oxygen. I slowly come closer and sit down on a chair next to Adam's bed. I have a look at his face first. His eyes and mouth are closed and his skin colour looks surprisingly normal for an almost-dead man. He doesn't have a bandage round his head anymore, maybe because the wound had been sutured.

Although Adam went through so much, he still looks perfect. As always. I love him so much! I take his cold hand in mine, kiss it and lean my head against it.

"Please wake up soon! I love you."
I whisper. That's the point when he usually replies 'I love you too.' I already miss his voice. And I finally want to kiss and hug him again.

Suddenly a male doctor comes in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Bloom. As I see your boyfriend hasn't woken up yet. But he will, don't worry. I want to talk to you about his condition, Mr. Koskinen."

He comes closer and I look at him expectantly, still holding Adam's hand.

"You know, that accident might have brought some consequences. Mr. Lambert might not remember what happened. In worst case he lost his whole memory. Or maybe he will stutter. We will see. These are only some of the things that might possibly happen."

I swallow. What he said scares me. What if my own boyfriend won't remember me? What if he'll be mentally disabled for the rest of his life? Please don't let that happen!

"Mr. Koskinen? Are you listening? I'm sorry if these things scare you, but you have to reckon with them."

I nodd. Yeah, I understand. I'm just... scared. I keep staring at Adam's face. Suddenly he moves his head, then slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey, Baby!" I say smiling.

He turns his head around and gave me a little smile too. He doesn't look confused or afraid, so he is probably able to remember me. That's good.

"How are you now?" I ask him.

Adam mouths something, that I wasn't able to understand.

"Can you repeat that please? I can't hear you."

He moves his lips again without any sound leaving them. Suddenly he looks shocked and grabs my hand very quickly, starting to breath faster.

"Adam, baby, what's wrong?"

I get no answer.

Broken English (Saulbert)Where stories live. Discover now