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Levi didn't like the situation at all. Not only was he not thrilled by pomp and pageantry but he had a sinking feeling in his gut; like he was about to take a wrong turn into a dead end. He hadn't felt this way since he was in the under city. He remembered when Commander Erwin had captured him, had forced him into another corner. It seemed like his life had been a series of corners back then; one difficult decision after another. He'd felt like he would never break free.

Now years later he found that he had, and was unfortunately headed back. He had attended the meetings leading up to this event, something to lift public spirits about all of the factions. The idea had come from the king supposedly and he had encouraged each unit to participate. Commander Pixis had agreed quite readily, but all he needed to know was that there would be wine. Nile had supposedly agreed without too much trouble but Levi still couldn't understand why Commander Erwin had agreed. Now he stood on a stage as one of the commanding officers of the Survey Corps. Mike and Hanji were also on the stage with them as Commander Erwin approached the lectern to present his comments.

Levi thought back to the discussion of the military salute that would follow Commander Erwin's thoughts. There had been one presented after each speech was finished but Levi still felt suspicious. He fell back into his memories again searching for why he felt this way. He remembered being approached by Lobov's man in the under city and watching Jan be taken to the surface; incentive for him to listen to Lobov's proposal. It had seemed simple enough even allowing himself to be taken by Erwin and the Survey Corps hadn't been bad. But he had still recognized the cage he was in; he had seen the danger and like a fool he had let Isabel and Farlan follow him into it.

No regrets, he thought to himself. He couldn't allow himself to dwell on what he could not change. He liked to think instead he had learned from that experience. Yes, he had learned some of what political maneuverings were like on the surface as opposed to the underworld. When he had first heard of this gathering it made him uneasy though he couldn't say why; especially since the Survey Corps was the last approached. Forced into the corner. Yes, and why would someone want to force them into a corner? They were already struggling in the public eye after the episode with Eren and Annie. They couldn't afford to make mistakes right now. They wouldn't have needed to be forced, but someone wanted to make sure all their soldiers were lined up, and that meant this was not what it appeared.

Did Erwin know? Levi hadn't asked. He trusted Erwin to be smart. Erwin had known that Lobov was after him all those years ago; did he know who was after him now and what they might try? Levi had taken precautions of course, requesting that a doctor be present in the crowd since the stage would be too public and he had asked the man to come secretly. He hadn't told Erwin because Levi didn't know what to say, just a sixth sense developed in the depths of the earth. He knew a corner when he saw one even if it wasn't physically there.

Levi heard the crowd roar in approval at Commander Erwin's speech. Erwin was good with those, a talent Levi lacked. Why would they let him speak knowing that he was so good with words? Levi hadn't really been listening to the speech as he heard the guns being raised behind him and turned as if to watch Erwin's final remarks. Instead he used the corners of his eyes to survey the entire setting and that's when he saw the wall of the corner. Of course it was a trap.

"Tch," he breathed, before leaping forward thankful that he had been standing not sitting, and also grateful that his leg had finally mended. The two military police gunmen directly behind Commander Erwin were not pointing their guns into the air like their fellows. Instead their gun barrels were aimed at Commander Erwin's back. Thankfully they were both right eye dominant so they didn't see Levi's approach from the left. Their companions seemed to be ignoring them which meant they had probably been paid off. Levi knew he had seconds to make this happen and that it would require all the precision and timing he had learned and perfected over the years. His short run was brought to a skidding halt as he slid into place directly behind Erwin.

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