First Strike

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Eren worked diligently at his task, Mikasa and Armin keeping him company. He knew they were really making sure he didn't do anything stupid or rash. He wanted to lash out at the Military Police. Anyone could see what they were doing was wrong, and they got way to much lee-way when it came to these kinds of things. If they got away with attempted murder what else could they do? His simmering anger helped him finish quickly and he left the stables heading back for his room with Mikasa and Armin still following him.

Eren rounded the stable to find that Erwin hadn't been the day's only target. Four figures in front of him drew knives and charged. Eren cried out a warning as he did his best to stop his attacker. Since they had been working none of them were wearing their maneuver gear. Eren heard Armin cry out and swearing from some of the attackers. He imagined they must be the ones facing Mikasa but he didn't dare turn around to confirm.

The man in front of him took a swing with his knife which Eren deflected by grabbing the man's wrist to drive the knife away from him. He swung a kick at the man's legs but he dodged out of the way. Eren tried to twist the knife free of the man's grasp only to receive a punch in the face. Stunned he staggered back and just barely got his arm up in time to deflect the second blow. The knife sliced across his forearm, which caused burning pain to rush along it. Eren cried out and fell back another few steps.

"Eren!" His anger boiled over and he raised his head to look at his attacker. Whatever they saw in his gaze made them pause and that was all the time he needed. He lunged forward gripping the knife with his hand. He barely felt the cut to his palm as he drove his head into the other mans. Dazed his opponent fell back trying to pull his arms up to guard his body. Eren didn't slow driving his foot into the side of the man's knee. His opponent cried out in pain and fell to one knee on the ground. Eren rushed forward again only to take the knife to his gut. He backed up, shocked his body moving sluggishly as his mind reeled.

"EREN!!" Mikasa called again jumping forward to catch him. He felt light headed and realized for the first time how much blood he must have lost from the cut along his arm. He was determined not to be a burden to Mikasa however; he would fight his own fight this time. The gas propelled clamps of the group of attackers shot out allowing them to escape as reinforcements arrived.

"Mikasa, Eren, Armin! You guys all right?" Connie called out. Jean landed beside him but Reiner and Sasha flew past using their own gear to try to catch up with the attackers. Eren was breathing hard now but he made himself sit up and pull free of Mikasa.

"I'm fine," he insisted.

"Armin! Armin you okay?" Connie called out heading past Eren and Mikasa. Armin, Eren had completely forgotten about him. He turned now to see that Armin was trying to sit up against the stable wall. Connie knelt next to him to help him up. Eren's eyes widened in shock when he saw Armin's face. It was bruised from several punches and blood was flowing freely from a split lip. Armin swallowed painfully and tried to smile holding up his hand. In it was a badge he'd torn free from his assailant, the green unicorn of the Military Police. All five of them stared at it. While he had been distracted looking at Armin Mikasa had bandaged Eren's cut along his arm. He felt her touch his hand and jerked away.

"I'm fine!" he said again, pushing himself up to his feet. Jean and Connie were doing their best to help Armin up. Armin was doing his best not to cry out in pain, but his face was grimaced with agony and his breath kept catching. Finally Jean just hoisted Armin onto his back and started for the infirmary. Eren, Mikasa, and Connie followed eventually joined by Sasha and Reiner, who had returned, their quarry having escaped.

"If they had gone on foot I could have tracked them, but maneuver gear is much harder to track." Sasha was saying.

"Don't worry," Reiner said. "You did your best." Sasha nodded but still looked put out until Connie referenced another time that she had successfully tracked. Sasha brightened and began talking happily with Connie, Reiner smiling beside them. Although Eren would never admit it he barely made it to the infirmary. They were received immediately and soon a doctor was taking care of all of Armin's bruises. Luckily his attacker hadn't used a knife on him just fists and feet. Armin still had a healthy set of bruises and gratefully lay down to sleep once the doctor was finished. Eren was persuaded to let them bandage his arm, hand, and stomach wounds.

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