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Erwin listened to the trial. He had included the additional report that Levi had written on his return. It sickened him that Carl Anderson had been willing to attack a completely defenseless man. He understood why he could feel loathing radiating off of Levi. Although his face remained blank it was obvious he didn't expect that things would work out satisfactorily. Erwin felt the trial was actually going very well. Nile hadn't attempted to create a defense. The actions of his men were deplorable. Armin was just finishing his account of what had happened. Erwin felt confident that the court would rule in their favor after that, but he kept his face neutral.

"I have reached my decision." Darius Zackley announced after Armin had finished. "I pronounce that Carl Anderson and Robert Dane are guilty of the charges that had been made against them. They are to be removed from duty and imprisoned for six months. After that another trial will be held to determine if they are to be allowed to return to duty." Erwin had a difficult time keeping his disappointment from his face. That was a slap on the wrist compared to what they had done. He turned quickly to catch Levi who had started walking out.

"Levi wait. Let it go." He pleaded. Levi glanced at him over his shoulder and Erwin could see that those eyes demanded blood.

"I am letting it go. I gave the court its chance. Nothing that has happened here is unexpected." Erwin had to agree. While he had hoped the ruling would demand more for the crimes, he hadn't let himself believe it would happen. He wondered if Levi had even hoped that justice would be met here.

"You know what I mean." Erwin continued. Levi glanced at Carl and Robert who were being led away.

"Their safety is up to them." Then he pulled free of Erwin and marched out. Erwin noticed that Mikasa Ackerman also had blood-lust gleaming in her eyes. She followed after Levi once Carl and Robert were no longer in sight. Erwin knew he should try to stop them but he didn't dare. In his opinion they were right in their desire for vengeance, they were just going about it the wrong way.

"I'm sorry sir." Erwin turned his gaze to the blonde head bowed in front of him. "I should have done better." Erwin put a comforting hand on Armin's shoulder.

"You did splendid. I could not have asked more of you."

"But, but they got off with hardly any punishment." Erwin nodded.

"And that was no fault of yours. The law is clear. You helped convinced Darius Zackley that they were guilty of their crimes. That is the best you could do." Armin nodded.

Mikasa hurried through the castle to Levi's quarters. She was furious. When she reached his door she pressed an ear against it. There was silence inside and she had expected as much. Surely Levi would be meeting with Erwin to discuss the results of the trial. She eased the door open. A glance inside showed no sign of Levi. Mikasa knew she couldn't take out Carl and Robert with her gear. That might leave a trail that would lead back to the Survey Corps. She would not make the same mistake Annie had, but that meant she needed another weapon. The only other weapon she knew of was a knife and the only place she knew she could get one without raising suspicion was Levi's desk. Mikasa stealthily entered the room and approached the desk. She nearly jumped out of her skin when the door closed behind her.

Mikasa spun to see Levi casually leaning against the wall one hand resting against the door he had pushed closed. He had been behind it so she hadn't seen him. He was watching her with the same blank expression he always wore as he folded his arms.

"What are you doing?" he asked. In her mind Mikasa knew that Levi was very aware of every word she wanted to say. Instead she turned and straightened facing him.

"Don't try to stop me." she warned as she met his eyes challengingly. She was surprised when she saw the cold fire burning there, a promise of vengeance. What was he going to do? Levi unfolded one of his arms holding the knife towards her handle first.

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