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Mikasa, Armin, and Allen made it safely to the tree. Levi's instructions had been good and they were easily able to make out where the wagons had stopped. It took them another half hour or so to reach the camp. Once there Mikasa asked where Captain Levi was and Bertholt took her to him. He was leaning against a tree his coat and cloak lying on the ground beside him, his shirt unfastened and pulled back from his left shoulder, and a soaked cloth laying over the wound. Mikasa figured he had probably picked the tree for its proximity to the stream. His even breathing was the first thing she noticed as he turned and opened his eyes, clearly having heard their approach. Bertholt saluted and walked away.

"Ackerman," Levi acknowledged.

"We set the fires as you asked and I was able to confirm they were spotted by our pursuers. Hopefully Sasha's trail will successfully mislead them." Levi nodded, closing his eyes again, which she knew was a dismissal. When she didn't move he opened them and looked at her once more. She could tell he changed what he was going to say based on her expression.

"Was there something else?" Mikasa reached into her pocket drawing out the plant.

"I found this while I was out. It helps with pain, are you familiar with it?" Levi looked at the plant and then shook his head. "If you want I could use it to try and help with your shoulder." Levi closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree.

"So you noticed. I must be slipping."

"No, I paid particular attention and put my observations together to draw that conclusion. You came up with a very brilliant plan I might add." Mikasa said as she lowered herself to the ground, set out her bowl and began pulling the leaves from the plant. Levi sat forward soaking the cloth again and placing it over his wound as she began to work the leaves with her spoon. She ground them down as much as she could, adding some water to the mixture. After a few moments Levi opened his eyes to watch her.

"Where did you learn this?" he asked.

"Doctor Jeager taught me a little bit." Levi didn't comment on her response instead watching with interest now. Once Mikasa had a greenish paste she crawled over to Levi. Gently she lifted the cloth from his wound. She could see that it had been strained and blood was seeping through the stitches. She looked him in the eyes.

"Ready?" She asked. He nodded and she scooped some of the mixture out on her fingers. As gently as she could she spread it over the wound. Levi watched her, a slight look of distaste on his face. Mikasa sat back just as his expression shifted. He grunted, his right arm reaching up for his shoulder his breath coming in gasps. His nerves felt like they were on fire and the heat was only intensifying. Then he jerked and screamed in pain. It was as subdued as he could make it but even so it was loud enough to be heard by the rest of the camp. Levi thrashed trying to battle the pain and his desire to scream. Breathing became a chore and sweat began forming on his skin.

"Wha...what did you do?" Levi was forced to look away as he struggled to keep from screaming again. Mikasa leaned forward so she could stare him in the eyes.

"Now we're even."

"What?" But Levi didn't need the answer as the memory surfaced, her face glowering at him after he beat Eren during his trial. He knew those eyes, eyes determined for vengeance. Had she poisoned him? He was gasping for breath fighting the pain, sweat pouring across his skin at its intensity. She sat calmly as men finally arrived from the camp.

"Sir! Is everything all right? Are you okay?" Mikasa didn't move and Levi didn't look away doing his best to read her. She gave away nothing. He respected her more now, and determined that he would need to revise his opinion of her.

"It's better now, isn't it?" Levi's eyes widened in surprise. She was right the pain was subsiding. In fact he could barely feel it. Irritated he waved the others away.

"I'm fine! Return to your posts." He managed to push himself upright surprised at how much better he felt. "Well played," he complimented. "Though you could have warned me." She nodded.

"I could have, and you could have warned Eren; but you didn't and I didn't."

"You know he can heal." She nodded again her face expressionless.

"And so will you, especially after you get some rest. Let me see your side."

"Don't I get to decide?"

"Did you let Eren decide?" Levi conceded the point. Besides he didn't have the strength or the desire to waste his energy fighting her off. This time when she asked if he was ready he prepared himself for the pain. It wasn't as intense, or maybe he was just more prepared for what he would feel. Soon his body was free of pain and he felt slightly light headed. Mikasa replaced the bandaging and Levi offered no resistance his head leaned back against the tree trunk, his breathing slow and even.

"Drowsiness is one of the side effects," Mikasa explained. "You should rest." Levi nodded but made no move to stand. Mikasa waited only a few moments before coming over to him. She lifted his right arm and slung it over her shoulders, using the motion of standing to lift him from the ground. He didn't complain as she led him back into camp. Armin walked towards them a look of concern on his face.

"Did you prepare his bed?" Mikasa asked. Armin nodded and watched as Levi struggled to pull his head up right. Mikasa started them forward again following Armin who lead them to Levi's bedroll.

"I'm fine," Levi mumbled, feeling as if he was asleep standing up.

"Yes sir. You will be." Mikasa was incredibly gentle as she helped Levi get comfortable. He was asleep within seconds. She watched over him for a few minutes occasionally checking his pulse and monitoring his breathing to make sure he was fine. His heart beat was steady and sure, his breathing deep and even. He had definitely been up for too long, she could tell based on the depth of his sleep. Once she was satisfied that he would be alright she tasked Armin with watching over him. Bertholt was standing guard at the east edge of the camp.

"Where are the others?" Mikasa asked him. He looked over at her questioningly. "Sasha's group," she explained.

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