Reunion 1

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Jean kept his group moving at a good pace. He was happy to see Connie waking more and more often. Sasha had taken to riding her horse instead of in the wagon with Connie. She still checked on him every time they stopped and got him whatever he needed. Jean watched Reiner dutifully set up Connie's sleeping bag every night and carry him to it. Connie would wake briefly to eat then usually drift back into sleep. They reached the final town on their journey north and swung south and east to rendezvous with Captain Levi's group. As usual Sasha and Reiner were helping Connie. Sasha gently shook Connie's shoulder and called his name till he opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Time to eat." She offered him some bread. Connie sat up slowly. His back still reminded him that it wasn't fully healed but he was grateful his shoulder was almost mended. Once he was upright he took the bread and started eating it. He noticed Sasha was watching him and stopped before he took his next bite.

"What?" he asked, lowering his bread from his mouth. Sasha started as if she hadn't realized she was staring.

"Oh sorry, I was just..." she trailed off looking to the side. Connie's brows lowered in a puzzled expression.

"You were just what?"

"I was just wondering if you remembered what happened to you." Sasha said softly. Reiner looked up from his own loaf of bread, clearly interested. Connie felt his glower.

"Yeah, I remember. I was keeping a look out on watch when I thought I heard something in the trees. I had just launched one of my cables and lifted off the ground when my attacker came swinging in. He caught me by surprise and since I was in the air I couldn't react fast enough to get out of his way. He pushed me towards one of the trees and I tried to stop myself with my right arm. That's when I messed up my shoulder since I hit it pretty hard. Then he ran into me. I remember something hit my forehead then darkness. After that everything's fuzzy, until you woke me and told me we were at camp. Did we beat them?" Sasha shook her head.

"No. They poisoned Eren with something, so we retreated and split into two groups. I'm not sure what all of the plan was."

"They poisoned Eren? Is he okay?" Sasha shrugged.

"He should be," Reiner said. "Both groups were supposed to obtain the cure and we got ours days ago. I'm sure Captain Levi wouldn't let Eren die." Connie nodded his understanding.

"Wow. I feel like I missed so much." Sasha shrugged.

"Not too much. Mostly traveling." Connie nodded and started eating his bread again. The rest of the night passed peacefully. Even the next day was uneventful as they pressed on towards their destination. It was the night after they had made the turn that Jean's attention was once more drawn to Connie and Sasha.

"I'm fine!" Connie was shouting. "I bet I could even eat more than you can." Sasha jumped to her feet her fists clenched at her sides.

"No one can eat more than I can! Especially you! You still haven't fully recovered."

"Prove it! I've recovered plenty!" Connie called back.

"I don't think this is a good idea..." Reiner began trying to stop them.

"Fine! We'll have an eating contest. Whoever eats more wins."

"Fine by me!" Connie agreed. Before Jean could stop it they were both set up with several loaves of bread to eat and a few members of the corps were cheering them on. Both Reiner and Armin looked to Jean to see what he would do. Part of him wanted to stop this madness but the other part of him recognized that this was more excitement than the group had seen since the scout. He looked at the contestants focusing mostly on Connie.

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