North 1

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"That was quick thinking Armin," Jean complimented. Armin smiled.

"I just told him what we want our pursuers to hear since he's the one they will likely spend the most time with." Jean nodded.

"I'm glad you're on our side." Armin nodded.

"I am too, honestly."

They rode fairly hard for the rest of the day keeping a measured pace north. As night began to fall Jean pulled them off the road to camp. He ordered that there should be no fires lit and set a light guard. If they got caught it would be pretty obvious to their captors they didn't have Eren. Their more pressing task was to lay the false trail and regroup with the others as soon as possible. Reiner climbed into the wagon Sasha was in. His face didn't look as angry as it had earlier.

"Any change?" he asked.

"He hasn't moved at all. I'm worried about him." Sasha replied. Reiner nodded and helped her carry Connie from the wagon bed to where they were setting up camp. Between the two of them they were able to get him situated on his sleeping bag. Sasha took the opportunity to look at Connie's back and wished she hadn't. She had experience with bruising and this was exceptionally bad. Almost like Connie had fallen from a tree or down a rocky slide. She glanced at Reiner.

"Is there anything we can do?"

"I don't know of anything. I'm sorry Sasha, this isn't my strong suit." She nodded wishing she knew more about medicine herself. Sasha thought back to her hunting days with her family. Her father would have used ice if he could find some but failing that he would use cold water from a stream.

"Reiner, I'm going to see if I can find some cold water, it might help." Reiner nodded.

"I'll watch over Connie." She smiled her thanks then ran off. It took her longer than she would have liked, but she had hunted over enough terrain she could almost predict where water would be. Once she found the stream she used her food bowl to collect some of the water then headed back. In the cooling night air the water stayed cold until she reached the camp. She saw that Armin was with Reiner next to Connie. As she approached she could smell the pungent scents of herbs. Armin was capping a jar and smiled up at her.

"What is that?" she asked.

"It's an ointment that's supposed to help with bruising. The doctor said ice was the best treatment but since we can't carry that..." Sasha held up her bowl of cold water.

"It's not ice but it might help some." Armin smiled.

"Yeah, it might." Sasha wet a rag and laid it over Connie's bruises. It worried her that even now he didn't respond aside from a slight hitch to his breathing. She stayed with him getting the cloth freshly wet several times. By the time weariness was calling so loudly she couldn't ignore it Connie still hadn't moved. She was so tired she could only hope the water had helped as she used a dry cloth to gently dry the excess water and wrapped him in his sleeping bag. Then she crawled into her own and fell instantly asleep. She awoke to Reiner gently shaking her shoulder.

"We're getting ready to move out." Sasha sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She felt like she hadn't slept at all. Once up she glanced over to Connie surprised that he was in the exact same position she had left him in. She crawled from her sleeping bag only allowing herself a moment to shiver as the shock of the cold morning air hit her. Clenching her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering she hurried over to her friend, gently pressing her two fingers against his neck. She was so relieved to feel a steady pulse under her fingertips. Inside the sleeping bag Connie's body was still warm and Sasha made sure to remove it slowly to spare him the same shock she had received. Once enough of him was free she checked his back again. The bruises had darkened making Connie's back a patchwork of blues, purples and yellows. Sasha gently closed the bag and turned to Reiner.

"I need to get some more cold water," she didn't know how to ask him for his help. He smiled as if he understood and nodded.

"I'll take care of cleaning up here. Go." She beamed a happy smile at him before grabbing the bowl and jogging through the trees. The movement helped to bring her body temperature up and she was soon at the same stream collecting cold water. She came back as fast as she dared but couldn't move too quickly for fear of dumping her precious cargo. She came back to see that Reiner had packed up her sleeping bag as well as Connie's.

It looked like he had been enlisted by Krista to support Connie while she trickled water into his mouth. Sasha was surprised by how slowly and patiently she worked. Reiner looked like he was fighting boredom, but he stoically sat there and helped. When some of the water flowed down Connie's chin because he closed his mouth to swallow Krista patiently wiped it away and then continued. When he choked twice in a row she stopped trying to give him water. It was then that she noticed that Sasha had returned.

"Welcome back," she said pleasantly.

"How much did he drink?" Sasha asked. Krista's smile fell.

"Not much. But he did have a spoonful of honey." She finished brightening.

"Really? How?"

Krista explained that she had dipped the spoon in honey and then put it in Connie's mouth allowing his natural reactions to slowly swallow the honey from the spoon. Sasha was impressed with Krista's brilliance. However, it was quickly overshadowed by the fact that he was still unresponsive. Reiner noticed her glance but he had no words of comfort he could offer. Krista placed a hand on Sasha's arm.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Connie's stronger than you think." Sasha smiled her thanks as Reiner gently lifted Connie into his arms. Connie offered no resistance, his head resting peacefully on Reiner's shoulder, his arms and legs dangling limply. As she had the day before Sasha climbed into the wagon bed, being careful as she settled herself behind the headboard once more. Once she was comfortable she reached out and with Reiner's help situated Connie so that he could rest against her again. Now that he was close to her she could see that his head wound had swollen under his bandage. Grateful for the cold water she had retrieved she soaked the rag in it and placed the cool water against Connie's head.

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