East 1

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Captain Levi took them as far as he could before switching things up. More and more of the Survey Corps were succumbing to their wounds and were unable to ride, meaning he needed more room in the wagons.

"Hoover with me." The young man looked very surprised but didn't argue as he rode after Levi. They reached the wagon that Mikasa and Eren were in.

"You need to ride," Levi started.

"I won't," Mikasa was interrupted by Levi.

"You will! I need the room in the wagons and I need you ready to fight if we're pursued. You can't stay here in this wagon. I've brought Hoover to look after Eren while you two are apart and he'll be near me in the formation. Satisfied?" Mikasa glowered but didn't object. Sullenly she helped Bertholt pull Eren into the saddle in front of him then climbed out of the wagon. She walked over to the horses and Levi could see that Bertholt looked extremely uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked him. Bertholt started before lowering his gaze.

"Nothing sir."

"And the truth?" Bertholt swallowed hard. He took several breaths before finally marshaling enough courage to say.

"I wish you hadn't antagonized her. I understand she can't always be with Eren, but he's the only one she won't argue with about it."

"She needs to learn. Now's as good a time as any." Bertholt nodded but didn't comment. Levi returned to the head of the column Bertholt staying behind him and to the side. They rode for almost an hour before they reached the road. Levi took them along it as the last of the mist was burned away by the sun. Bertholt stayed with him holding Eren carefully. Levi rode with his hood up for the first few towns trying to keep a low profile. He didn't want to give away which group he was with too soon. After the third town Bertholt called out to Levi. Levi pulled his horse back so he could ride beside him.

"What is it?"

"Eren's got a fever." Levi reached across to touch Eren's forehead. Sure enough it felt unnaturally warm.

"For how long?"

"I'm not exactly sure; the last several minutes at least." Levi nodded and rode to the front again. He needed to start looking for a doctor. Before they could reach the next town Eren started moaning. He moved fitfully in Bertholt's arms but not to the point that Bertholt lost his grip on him. Levi knew they wouldn't be able to take Eren into the town without it becoming obvious who he was. He slowed to ride beside Bertholt again.

"Go to the side and wait for Ackerman. Take her around the town with you. We'll meet you on the other side." Bertholt looked worried but nodded and pulled his horse off the road to wait for Mikasa. Levi lowered his hood so that when the town came into sight he was visible. There were many murmurs that passed through the crowd as the corps rode in. Levi remained calm though he really wanted to not be doing what he was. He inquired about a doctor and was lead to one. He presented the vial and its contents then purchased the antidote as well as medical supplies for his men. He allowed the doctor to examine those that needed it and instructed the others to help each other with bandaging. Hold on Eren, he thought to himself.

Mikasa was surprised to see Bertholt sitting on his horse beside the road. He waved her over when he saw her and she felt her heart skip a beat. Was Eren okay? Had something happened? Once she was beside him she could see that sweat was dripping down the sides of Eren's face.

"What is it?" she asked.

"He's developed a fever. Captain Levi ordered us to ride around the town and meet them on the other side." Mikasa immediately rode up next to him. Bertholt had his hands full as Mikasa checked Eren's temperature herself. His horse tried to shy away from her's but Bertholt managed to keep it in place.

"Mikasa be careful," he warned. He cut off when he saw how worried she looked.

"What should we do...?"

"Uh...let's ride around the town and make sure we aren't seen."

"Right," she said mechanically. Bertholt turned his horse south and she followed him. He went wide of the town all the while keeping an eye on her. They rode past it without incident. On their way north again Bertholt had to take his attention from Mikasa as Eren started moaning. He could feel Eren's temperature had increased almost to the point that it was uncomfortable to have him close. Bertholt narrowed his focus to two things, keeping Eren up right and getting to the road. But he realized as they were about to reach it that they couldn't stay there. They would be seen. He glanced around spotting a stand of willows further down the road. He veered towards them, hoping they would provide good enough cover.

A glance over his shoulder showed that Mikasa was following him. They reached the trees and he dismounted, quickly grabbing Eren before he could fall off. He almost yelled in surprise at how intense Eren's fever was. He laid Eren down gently as Mikasa pulled up and similarly dismounted. Bertholt looked up to see that she had taken a rag from her saddle bag and was headed towards the stream by the willows. He tethered the horses, then removed Eren's jacket. His skin was uncomfortably hot to the touch and he was sweating profusely. Moaning his head tossed weakly from side to side. Bertholt folded his jacket and placed it under his head before removing Eren's boots. Mikasa placed her damp cloth over Eren's forehead dabbing at the sweat that rolled down his skin.

Bertholt knew that she wouldn't leave Eren so he returned to the side of the road, using the trees for cover as he kept an eye out for the corps. They were Eren's only hope now. Bertholt doubted even Eren's advanced healing could take care of whatever he was battling. Judging by how hot he was now, it would likely kill him before his system could dispose of, or diffuse it.

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