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"Captain Levi," she whispered harshly.

He rolled over instantly. "What?" he asked, more alert than he should have been if he was sleeping. Mikasa didn't comment, however.

"I heard some riders approaching and went to investigate. They are all wearing 3D Maneuver Gear but I couldn't tell who they were. They didn't wear the cloaks of the Survey Corps and I didn't see if they wore any other insignia. It sounded like they were trying to find us." Silence followed her report only muffled by the sound of steady breathing. Then Levi sighed deeply, slowly sitting up.

"Leave two members of the watch in place to keep a look out. Have the others rouse everyone and tell them to pack up quietly. We leave as soon as possible." In the darkness she couldn't tell how he was doing physically, but his voice sounded strong and in command. She nodded and hurried back to the watch to relay his instructions. Then she was moving quietly among those sleeping, waking them as silently as possible. A few who were light sleepers were wakened simply by the increased level of noise and movement near them. Mikasa noted that Connie and Sasha were part of that group waking up just from the increase in movement. She stepped lightly over to them.

"Pack up. We need to move quickly."

"What's happening?" Sasha asked worry clear in her whispered voice.

"Some riders passed us a little while ago. Levi has order us to move." Even in the dark Mikasa could see Sasha's face was covered with an expression of worry but she started packing up her things. Connie was right behind her and Mikasa was impressed with how quickly they were ready to move. Levi came to her as she was finishing up.

"Which direction did they head?" he asked. She stood and pointed. He nodded then walked back towards his horse. She watched him take several moments before he finally pulled himself up into the saddle. He mounted smoothly enough, but the hesitation beforehand was telling. Levi led them to an old road that went deeper into the forest. They moved at a walk so as to preserve their stealth. No one spoke and the wagon's sounded much louder in the near silence. They rode for a long time many rubbing at tired eyes. Levi signaled Mikasa forward after they had traveled for a bit.

"Yes Captain." she whispered once she was next to him.

"Tell me specifically what they said, as close as you can remember." Mikasa didn't have a perfect memory, but the conversation had happened only a few hours earlier. She related it as closely as she could remember. When she mentioned the name Carl she caught a brief flash in Levi's eyes, like he recognized the name.

"So they don't have a tracker?" Mikasa shook her head.

"No. That much was clear. If they do have a tracker he is very inexperienced." Levi nodded.

"Do we?" he said more to himself than to her but Mikasa nodded anyway.

"Sasha Blouse is an excellent tracker. She grew up in a hunting village and has a great deal of experience." Levi turned to her in surprise before looking over his shoulder at the column. Mikasa followed his gaze to Sasha who had her head tilted as if she was trying to hear something. Connie who was riding next to her raised a fist to his mouth likely trying to stifle a yawn. Levi waved her forward and she jumped before urging her horse closer to him.

"Do you know how to lay a false trail?" he asked bluntly. Sasha's eyes widened briefly in surprise before she nodded. "How many do you think we should send?" Sasha looked back over the column estimating.

"At least four, maybe six." Levi nodded considering.

"Do you know how to make the trail obvious?" Sasha grimaced but nodded. "Good, I need you to head in that direction. Pick a place along the way and set up a false camp, burn a little wood if you feel like it but not enough to create smoke. Make the trail look like we're doubling back the way we came. Lead them towards the last town we passed, then follow this road. I'll leave a marker and a guide along the way to bring you back to the actual camp. Your goal is speed and misdirection. Work fast." Sasha nodded indicating she understood. Levi turned raising his voice just enough to be heard over the wagons. "Jeager, Springer, and Braun. You three go with Blouse to lay a false trail." They nodded and Sasha lead them off the trail and into the trees showing them how to break branches and intentionally ride through mud to create markings that even a novice could read. Levi beckoned to Armin who rode forward.

"Arlert, Allen, you and Ackerman head back in the direction the riders went. Build two campfires, one as far out as you can and the other closer to where we camped tonight. Make sure they're big enough and create enough smoke they'll be able to see them. Don't stay too long, I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get them to take the false trail and lose us entirely. Once you're finished head towards that tree. You should be able to see where we'll actually be camped from there. It's crucial you aren't followed back; you three must also be quick. Don't linger." Mikasa nodded before she and Armin used their gear to head off into the forest, their third close behind them. She saw Levi signal the wagons and horses to increase the pace and caught a glimpse of Jean watching her depart before they were hidden by the passing trees.

Mikasa turned her attention to her task. She knew time was of the essence. Armin stayed as close to her side as he could manage through the trees. Allen similarly did his best not to lose them. She let Armin pick the place then helped to build fire pits and gather wood. Allen quietly helped with these tasks. Actually now that she thought about it she didn't know anything about him, not even his first name. In the dark his brown hair looked almost black, his dark brown eyes like a bird's. Armin started the fire while they were still collecting wood. Once the blaze was going, Armin wanted to wait a moment or two to make sure it wouldn't catch the forest on fire. Once he was satisfied they headed back the direction they had come veering slightly so they would end up back at their campsite. Once there they began again the task of building fire pits and collecting wood. Armin worked on starting the blazes while Mikasa used her gear to quickly climb up a tree as Allen collected firewood.

The sun was beginning to rise as morning quickly approached. When Mikasa looked out she saw a dust cloud in the distance. As she watched she could determine that it was headed for their first fire. Their pursuers had taken the bait, but they were also closer than she would have liked. She returned to the ground to inform Armin but was stopped by a plant she spotted. Instantly she saw a memory of doctor Jeager showing her this plant and explaining that it could be used to dull pain. She thought of Levi and the weariness on his face. At the very least it would help him get a few hours rest. She pulled it free and stowed it safely in a pocket before turning to Armin. Allen was watching her curiously but he didn't say anything.

"We don't have much time, are you ready?"

"Almost. I just need a few more minutes to make sure the fires won't cause damage to the forest." Mikasa nodded and waited a few moments more, meeting Allen's eyes. He looked away shifting his gaze towards the rising sun and then the direction they would be heading to find the camp. Armin eventually turned and nodded to her that he was ready. Together they started towards the road and from there they would head to the tree to find the camp. Mikasa was careful to keep an eye out behind them to be sure they weren't being followed.

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