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Mikasa had watched with interest as Levi met a group of unsavory looking people. They looked worse than any beggar Mikasa had ever seen. Levi didn't seem surprised by their appearance at all. He handed care of their horses over to the group then lead Mikasa and Reiner on the mission. Now they were returning at a run towards that same spot. Levi slowed in an alley then proceeded at a walk after that. Mikasa and Reiner followed his example. Mikasa was surprised when they reached the spot to see that their horses were all still there. The people turned their haunted eyes to Levi as he approached. Levi handed over everything they had acquired to the leader. The man's eyes softened as he looked to Levi, almost as if Levi had given him a palace and promised him a life of luxury.

"Thank you for your assistance. Don't spend it all in one place. They'll be looking for that."

The leader nodded and pocketed the goods. Then they all disappeared down into the under city while Levi and the others mounted their horses. They rode at a moderate pace back to the castle. It would be a good long ride before they reached it and Mikasa did her best to look casual. They rode hard when they were out of sight of people. Mikasa was anxious to get back to the castle, wanting to see with her own eyes that Eren and Jean were safe.

Jean watched as Levi and his group returned. It was late afternoon and their horses looked tired. He wondered where they had ridden to. Mikasa surprised him by coming to his room after she had stabled her horse, eaten, and bathed. At first they just looked at each other, neither one sure what to say.

"How are you?" Mikasa finally asked from the doorway. Jean wanted to tell her to come in, or invite her, or something. But he didn't have the courage to do so. Half of him was afraid if he tried she would startle and fly away like a bird.

"I'm doing well. How are you?" She shrugged.

"Armin's doing better. He's able to walk around a little but it still pains him." Jean fought the urge to shake his head. He hadn't asked about Armin he had asked about her. Besides he already knew how Armin was doing. Armin had brought him the news that Carl Anderson was dead. Jean wondered if he wasn't looking at one of the man's killers right now. He figured she probably wasn't going to come in so he pushed himself up from the bed. He teetered on his bad leg trying to catch his balance with his arms. Mikasa quickly came to his aid grabbing his sides to stabilize him. He caught her arms giving himself a better base to hold himself up with.

"You shouldn't be standing." She said. She started to push him gently back towards the bed. Jean stared at her face. She was so close to him. Finally he threw his reservations aside. Jean wrapped his arms around her pulling their bodies together. He squeezed his eyes closed and concentrated on the feel of her body against his. She was stiff and frozen with shock, all her muscles tensed.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear. What was he doing? "I don't care about anything else anymore, I love you. I've loved you from the first day I saw you. I came back for you, because I couldn't live without you." What was he doing!? "I'm sorry, for whatever hardships you've had to bear and I wish I could take them away but I want you to know I'm here for you. Always, no matter what." Now he was rambling. Shut-up, he begged himself; but like a flood gate that has been opened it is much harder to reseal.

"Everything I've done up to now was my choice. You haven't forced anything on me. I want you to know that. I helped you because I wanted to. I mean, I don't really like Eren, but I do like you. So when you asked me to help him, I did it because I love you." Stop, stop, stop, the sensible side of his brain railed at him. "I-I love you Mikasa. I always have, and I always will." The tide of words ceased, allowing the silence to creep in; a silence that stretched for a long time. Mikasa remained rigid in his arms and Jean's heart stopped in fear. What had he done?

Mikasa couldn't begin to process the symphony of thoughts that chorused through her mind. Jean loved her? She had never had anyone of her peers say they loved her, not even Eren. Jean loved her. Not as a friend, not as a comrade, her. How did she feel about that? Joy, excitement, both tried to burst free of their careful confinement. They urged her to dance, to scream with joy, to hug Jean back. But she stood mutely before them as she did before Jean. He loved her. He had come back for her. She hadn't wanted to think about that and now she knew why. She had been afraid of what it might mean, of what it would mean for her relationship with Eren. Could she live without him? Could she live with Jean? Her shadow.

Still in shock she moved her hands to rest against his back. Jean. She had so many images leaping through her mind. How had she known him for years and knew nothing about him? He was from Trost, part of her mind tried to protest. But what did that mean? Nothing. The place a person was from didn't define them any more than their clothes. He fought with Eren, but Eren fought with lots of people. Jean loved her? Why? How? Jean pulled back so he could look into her wide eyes.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" he asked almost desperate.

"I...I don't know what to say..." she answered honestly. His eyes widened then softened.

"Of course. I'm sorry, it wasn't fair of me to demand an answer. Forget I said anything." Jean turned away carefully lowering himself to the bed. Mikasa stared at every movement he made and remembered how she had felt when she thought she might lose him.

"I...I think I like you." She managed. Jean's head snapped up, his face showing his surprise. Mikasa wanted to do or say something more but she didn't know what. She stood there helplessly as Jean managed to recover. He reached forward and gently took her hands. He slowly pulled her towards him and she knelt by the bed. This time when he hugged her she hugged him back. She relaxed in his embrace -resting her head on his shoulder- and she could think of few times in her life when she had felt more at peace.

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