Assault 1

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Levi was struggling with what to do. He trusted his scouts would warn him if there was any danger; or at least, any danger they were aware of. He had wanted to ask Jean and Mikasa for more details but it was obvious they both needed rest. He was grateful to know what had happened to Bertrand and that he was alive but he didn't know if there was anything he could do for him. He talked it through with Armin, purposely being vague so that Armin wouldn't catch on that an actual life might hang in the balance. Armin did his best but he said without knowing the exact details planning any kind of successful rescue would be a challenge. Levi left it at that thanking him and falling into his own thoughts.

Was it right to leave Bertrand to his fate? Could they do anything to help him without compromising their own situation? Levi didn't have the answers, and none were coming to him. He kept an eye out for Sasha. He had instructed her to take as long as she wanted but keep to the north to avoid being detected again. Now he wasn't sure that would work. If they got attacked at the wrong time he wouldn't be able to ensure Eren's safety. Then again, how likely was an attack? Their pursuers had passed them, at least for now. So, why did he get the feeling he was missing something?

When Mikasa and Jean awoke around dinner time with the sun beginning to set he spoke with them again. He made them go over the details of what they had seen, looking for whatever he might have missed. Nothing in what they were saying stood out to him. Around them those with first night watch were leaving to reach their posts. Both Connie and Bertholt were in that group. Bertholt was grateful that his ribs were doing better. He was starting to feel normal again. He took up his position part of the way down the hill, in shouting distance of the camp.

The sun set in a bright array of reds, oranges, and yellows. Bertholt wished Reiner were with him. He had felt that something was bothering Captain Levi. He didn't know what but it would have made him feel better if he'd have been able to figure it out. Just having Reiner nearby would have also increased his level of comfort with the situation. His watch preceded normally enough the sun finished setting and darkness fell. Suddenly figures rushed out of the shadows towards him.

Bertholt just had time to take up a fighting stance getting ready to meet the charging fighters. Thankfully the first few weren't as good as he was and he silently thanked Eren for showing him that learning hand to hand combat skills could be useful, and Reiner for drilling him till he could do it reflexively. The level of training he had allowed him to analyze the first few that attacked him. The first thing he noticed was that they were all swinging for his ribs. Did they know he had been recently injured there or was that just a good spot to hit for them since he was so tall. He wasn't sure but he didn't let any of them connect, using his legs to sweep theirs out from under them.

Bertholt heard Connie cry out in surprise. He glanced to his right to see that Connie was engaging a brute of a man. He looked like Reiner would be a better match for him, but Connie wasn't doing too badly. He was using his shorter height and his speed to his advantage, dodging around punches and quickly stepping away from the attempts to grab him. Bertholt could see that Connie's opponent was starting to get frustrated.

"Hold still you little twerp. I only want to play with you a bit."

"Oh yeah, that makes me wanna stop. Your gonna have to catch me first you big monkey!"

"Monkey! You're the monkey!!" Connie laughed and dodged another attempt.

"You caught me by surprise before. It won't happen this time."

Then Bertholt realized his opponents were starting to regain their feet. Bertholt raised his guard again and focused on them. This time they tried attacking him all at once and he was again grateful for his reach. He knocked one of them down stepping forward so that he could move out of the middle of their circle. He spun kicking out and knocked down another then lashed out at a third. He felt a foot step behind him and quickly turned his right elbow leading.

His opponent had been smart enough to duck and hit him right in the gut. The air rushed out of his lungs leaving him gasping and coughing. Bertholt's arms instinctively closed across his stomach as he tried to pull air into his lungs. He heard his opponent laugh before fists impacted Bertholt's shoulders. Bertholt fell on his hands and knees, trying to pull himself together. His instincts screamed at him to duck and he bent his knees and elbows to drop to the ground. He felt the air ruffle his hair as the punch passed over his head. Bertholt raised himself pulling his legs underneath him as he charged forward. He rammed his shoulder into his opponent grabbing him behind the knees before standing up to pull his legs out from underneath him. He watched as the man crashed to the ground.

"Carl!" someone yelled, but Bertholt didn't look to see who as Connie screamed in pain. Bertholt started running towards Connie. His friend had been grabbed by the leg and landed hard on the ground. He was trying to twist free and grimacing in pain.

"Gotcha now you little runt! This time I'll make sure you never fight again." Then Bertholt was there spinning with his momentum and kicking out. His heel connected solidly with the man's head and he stifled a groan as the man cried out in pain. It felt like he'd kicked a wall. Connie was holding his injured knee and didn't look like he'd be getting up any time soon. Bertholt shifted his position so that he would be between Connie and his attacker. The man was holding his jaw and eyeing Bertholt.

"Not bad. I hope you can keep up."

"Get him Robert!" Someone else yelled. Bertholt dodged the first attack having no desire to get similarly grabbed. He threw punch after punch, but he soon found it was like trying to beat down a mountain. He stopped, stepping back. He was panting from his exertion but his opponent only looked up at him and smiled.

"You finished?" Bertholt's eyes widened in surprised and he lunged forward once more. His arm was grabbed and next thing he knew he was being pulled over Robert's shoulder. Bertholt landed hard coughing and trying to collect his breath.

"Oh, so you're still in one piece. I can fix that." Bertholt opened his eyes as Robert pulled the arm he still held up. Then Robert slammed his foot down into Bertholt's side. Bertholt felt and heard the pop in his right shoulder. He grunted in pain before his lungs got a full breath and he screamed. His shoulder was agony. He heard calls and shouts as members of the Survey Corps started towards them. Robert grabbed a fistful of Bertholt's shirt and pulled him to his feet. He screamed again doing his best not to fight when a hardened steel blade was placed against his throat. It sounded like Connie was similarly being pulled to his feet and threatened.

"Stop, or we'll take their heads from their bodies!" Carl yelled.

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