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Armin stayed in the infirmary the next day as well, feeling too sore to move but Eren would not be restricted to bed rest. His stomach wound had completely healed and his hand just looked like a bad scratch so the doctor let him move about but forbid him from using maneuver gear. Mikasa stayed with Eren while Jean took the opportunity to get some sleep. Reiner and Connie had volunteered to watch over Armin. Eren and Mikasa wandered about and went riding on the grounds for a little while before returning to the infirmary. Though he was loath to admit it Eren was tired. They checked up on Armin before sleeping in their own quarters.

Jean was only slightly surprised when Mikasa approached him and asked him to watch over Eren since she wasn't allowed to in their rooms. He nodded and did his best to be unobtrusive while he fulfilled her request. After another two days Armin rejoined them. He was still a little stiff and had bruises everywhere but he was well enough to walk around with them and complete the day to day tasks. It was shortly after that, they received word of when the trial was to be held.

Levi hated bed rest, but instead of allowing himself to fume he directed his energy toward healing. He didn't know if it did anything, or worked at all but it made him feel like he was getting somewhere. After two days he could breathe just as easily as he always had. The doctor commented that the wound in his chest had healed incredibly well and he expected that Levi would have no permanent complications from it. The deepest and most annoying wound was in his shoulder but he focused on the one above his hip next. His shoulder he could isolate and keep from moving but his hip he felt every time he shifted on the bed or tried to sit or stand. It was irritating and the more it healed before the trial the better off he would be.

When the day finally came he rode out to the carriages in a wheelchair. He had walked around his room a little but his hip wound wasn't fully healed and it bothered him just enough that he wanted to conserve all his strength for the trial. His left arm was in a sling due to his shoulder wound. The carriage ride was an effort of will trying to keep from gasping and twinging every time a surprise bump caught him off guard. He tried to distract himself by staring out the window until they arrived at the appropriate building. Erwin lead the way in and Levi saw that another wheelchair had been provided for him, but he had an entrance to make.

Levi strode into the courtroom behind Erwin, well behind. He watched the two on trial as they allowed themselves smiles of victory before he walked to his place next to Erwin. Their surprise was evident and Levi let them squirm under his emotionless gaze. If it had been his choice he would have gladly done to them what they had done to him, but this was the upper world of politics not the underworld of survival. Levi stood next to Erwin and the other members of the Survey Corps that had chosen to attend. Levi paid close enough attention to the proceedings that he didn't lose track of them but he also didn't turn his gaze from the gunman. They grew increasingly uncomfortable as the trial progressed to Levi's satisfaction.

"Please present your evidence of the attack." Darius Zackley said. Levi stepped forward removing his coat and unfastening his shirt. The bandages were much lighter now that his wounds had mostly healed. The court had hired an unbiased doctor for the proceedings and Levi remained unmoving as his wounds were examined. The doctor concluded that they were indeed bullet wounds and appeared to have been inflicted approximately one week ago. Then Zackley looked to Levi.

"And who inflicted those wounds on you?"

Levi turned and pointed to the first of the prisoners. "He shot me once in the chest." Then he pointed to the other. "And he shot me in the shoulder and just above my hip." Both of them dropped their mouths and stared astonished at him. Levi calmly walked back to his place doing his best to button his shirt and replace his coat efficiently.

"Due to the evidence presented to me this is my conclusion. I find these men guilty of attempted murder and assault. They will be sent to the mines and should any misbehavior be reported they will be sent outside the walls to make their way as best they can. Are there any disagreements on this verdict?"

Commander Erwin calmly faced Darius Zackley. "The Survey Corps has no argument against this sentence." Nile was not as composed however.

"This is outrageous! You can't possibly expect me to accept this ruling! There's no proof that they were the ones who fired on Captain Levi. Anyone in the crowd could have done that!" Nile continued to rant and Levi was glad that Commander Erwin was nothing like that. Erwin instead stood beside Levi his expression calm. Then Zackley struck his desk with his hand.

"Enough Nile. You will remember your place. There is quite a bit of evidence to prove their guilt. They should know better than to accept a payoff for a job to break the law." Nile had the good sense to remain silent after that. The trial was adjourned and Levi was very grateful to be able to climb back inside the carriage. Once it was in motion he allowed himself a grimace. Forcing his face to remain blank and his breathing steady for so long had been extremely tiring. He felt Erwin's hand on his knee and turned to look at him.

"You did very well. I am grateful for your efforts." Levi shrugged.

"It doesn't solve anything. We still don't know who was responsible for paying them off."

Erwin nodded his agreement. "I have men working on it as we speak. Hopefully we will have answers soon." Levi nodded and concentrated on not gasping in pain for the rest of the ride. He was so grateful to see the wheelchair when he got back that he didn't notice the group gathered to greet them. No, not greet them he realized, to report to Erwin. He listened to what they had to say.

"The headquarters was attacked while you were at the trial sir. Because you had order us to patrol the border we were able to halt their advance and they didn't make it past us. Unfortunately we weren't able to tell who they were, but they used 3D Maneuver Gear sir." Erwin nodded.

"Thank you for your report. Please continue to patrol the border carefully." Then Erwin was following Levi and the nurse pushing his wheelchair into the infirmary. Levi was smart enough to keep his silence until he was back in his room and they were alone. He lay back on the bed gasping against the agony in his shoulder. Erwin brought him an ice bag which he gratefully placed over the wound to numb the pain.

"What do you suppose they were after?" Erwin asked after Levi had taken a few moments to collect himself.

"I'm fairly certain they were after Eren. Someone with a lot of money and influence is very determined to see this through." Erwin nodded a thoughtful look on his face.

"You'll need as much rest as you can get then. I'll probably have to send Eren away so that the pressure isn't so constant here. With that much pressure on my forces it will take at least twice as long to get the information I need. I believe if I sent Eren into hiding I could gain the information more quickly." Levi nodded.

"If you ever make me rest this much in the future I will have to find a way to get even." Erwin smiled in amusement.

"I'm not the one who shot you." Levi's sharp eyes turned on Erwin.

"You are the one who refused to guard your back; therefore it is still your fault." Erwin laughed and stood.

"I enjoy our discussions Levi. Get well." Levi didn't deign to respond as Erwin left the room.

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