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Nick's P.o.v

The date went well, we ended our date by watching Conjuring, But it was only after waitress went, we started watching the movie by 9:30 and it got over by 11, all the time Jenny would cover her eyes with her hands or cuddle deeper in to the blanket. It was really adorable to see , I wish I could just cuddle with her. But that was not possible, instead she was cuddling with her blanket. I was sitting on one end of the couch and she on the other end. 

The movie got over, and went to our bedroom, she went to the bathroom and after fifteen minutes she came back, she was wearing a mickey mouse tee-shirt and white polka pink shorts, with her hair in a bun. I went to the bathroom and took the paste, as I was about brush my teeth, I felt dizziness taking over me and within seconds, I felt my body hitting the hard cold floor.

Jennifer's P.o.v

As I got out of the bathroom, I looked at Nick, who was a bit pale, I noticed sweat beads on his forehead. But I didn't ask anything to him. He went inside the bathroom, closed the door behind him, I didn't let any negative thoughts come to my mind and took my cocoa butter flavored Vaseline and started applying on my hand, out of the blue, I head a thud sound from the bathroom. Now I definitely know something is wrong and ran towards the bathroom door and knocked.

No answer.

Again knocked,

No answer.

"Nick, open the door. Nick." I yelled, starting to panic.

Without thinking anything, I opened the door to find  Nick lying on the floor, eyes closed and more pale than before. I felt hot tears coming from my eyes, this can't happened, my Lord can't just take my soul away from me. I won't let that happened. I ran to his side, shaking him roughly because even I was shaking too.

"N..nick, p.please ge get up, you can't do this t to me." I finished saying with a lot of difficulty.

But no answer came.

The next thing I did was running into our bedroom, taking my phone and calling our family doctor, aunt Lisa. She was someone so close to me.

"Aunt Lisa, Please, p..please come to house, Nick fainted and he's no..not getting up," I cried as soon as she picked up the call.

"I am on my way, please try to move him to the bed and check his temperature." She said.

As I know, it would take a lot of time to put him to bed, I first checked his temperature, it was 101 degree Fahrenheit. I knew aunt Lisa was on line.

"He's having high fever, its 101 degree Fahrenheit, and he also had type one diabetes, aunt Lisa, please come fast." I said helplessly.

"Just calm down, take some tissue damped in cold water and put it over his forehead. I will be there soon." I heard the car starting and the phone ending.

I took him from the floor, he was way too heavy but I managed to move him to the bed, and did what aunt Lisa asked to do and I also called Hazel and Emma for a support, I didn't want to disturb both our parents.

~~In the morning~~

I heard someone groan beside me, I opened my eyes to find Nick moving restlessly.

"Nick, are you awake?" I asked him. I was lying beside him, giving him enough space to sleep.

He opened his eyes lazily  and looked at me, then his eyes shot up like he realized something.

"Did I sleep here on the bed yesterday?" He asked his voice barely audible because of his sore throat. He regretted asking that because, he suddenly felt the pain from his throat.

My hand automatically went to his forehead to check his temperature. He still had fever but not that high.

"I guess, you hit you head pretty bad yesterday." I joked looking at him with a small smirk.

"What happened yesterday night?" Nick asked with a puzzled look taking over his face, with each word he said, I knew it was making his throat pain worse, so I thought I will say the truth than teasing him.

"You are having high fever and yesterday night after the movie, when you went to the bathroom, you fainted, which really took my life away, but then I called our family doc aunt Lisa, she came as fast as she could, but before she came, I took your temperature and it was pretty bad." I said to him and got out of the bed to take the tonic medicine that was on the table beside him.

Nick didn't say anything but listened very interestingly  as if someone else was sick. But I continued.

"I called Hazel and Emma toobecause I felt a bit, actually a lot helpless,but I didn't call our parents because that would cause m,ore tension on them. Aunt Lisa said you need to take rest completely, not work or anything that you cause stress and medicine on time. She also said that the fever won't be effected by you diabetes. So nothing to worry." I said smiling.

"Okay, good that you didn't call our parents. Hey can I ask something, Is it true that it almost took your life away when you saw me like that?" Nick asked innocently.

I stopped in the middle of taking his medicine and looked at him, his eyes were seeking for answers and I don't know how but I know that he asked that question from his heart and without hesitating I answer,

"Not almost, It took my life away but I got it back when you opened your eyes." I said with an unknown emotion. He looked at me as if he had seen an angel, there was a big silence, not an uneasy silence but comforting silence.

There was a knock on the door that cut our beautiful silence and I mentally cursed at the two lovely people who came in the wrong time. You can imagine who the two wonderful lives were.

"Hey Nick, how are you doing now?" Hazel asked.

Hazel and Emma slept in our house yesterday as  it was pretty late when aunt Lisa left and they said that they both would like to be with me. Which I was greatly thankful for.

"I am good, but there is body pain and the my throat feels like it's been rubbed against bricks." Nick sighed.

"You will be fine very soon. You take care. Jen, We will leave you two now, I really need to go home now, we have a meeting, remember?! So bye. Take care Nick."

We both said our goodbyes an they left the room.

"Now, now, please take the medicine so that your throat will stop rubbing against bricks." I said with a teasing smirk on my face.

Nick's face fell, I knew it.

"Is it necessary?  I mean I feel perfect now." Nick said snuggling deep into the blanket.

I shook my head saying no. "No, no popstar treatment Nick. You have to take it." I said with a stern voice.

Thankfully,without fighting much, the pouty boy said okay with a small nod.

He sat up on the bed and I poured the medicine into his mouth as I had the spoon with me, I didn't give him the spoon because all the  exchange will end up with the spoon falling from our hands.

He had the cutest face after he swallowed the medicine.

"That's it pouty boy." I said with a pat on his messy hair just to make him more angry.

"Hey, tonight, my parents are coming for dinner right?" Nick asked.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about having my In laws for dinner tonight. I am a bit nervous,what all things will happened? Only God knows.


Author's note.

ANOTHER CHAPPY, kinda a filler. Next chapter will have something in it.

spread love.


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