Announcing and Agreeing

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Nick's p.o.v

Dani, Kevin, Joe and myself got in to the SUV. The drive to grandma's house was about forty five minutes. There was some awkward silence between the other three and me. They all passed some messages through glancing each other and I was getting really disturbed with this.

"Okay guys, is there anything I should know before going to grandma's house." I asked, really pissed.

" Nick, uh... there is nothing." Joe said but only after looking at Kevin and Dani.

"Okay." I said. But I never knew that trusting them was gonna change my future forever.

~~~Thirty minutes later~~~

I was sitting next to my grandma. She was pulling my cheeks.

"Oh, Nick, look at you became too slim. Are you eating anything at time? There is no chubby cheeks now." Grandma complained disappointingly.

I heard a small giggle from Jennifer. Apparently, Jennifer's and my grandfathers were best friends forever. They went to college together and surprisingly got married on the same day too, but to different girls. Our grandmothers were BFF too. they both fall in love with their college mates.

The story was too cute to hear, the way they blushed when they remembered about their college time. And they both, in fact  all got pretty emotion when they talked about our grandfathers death. It was a car accident, both our grandfathers were together when this tragedy  took place.

They both were rushed to hospital and  both of our grandmothers reached there, our grandfathers revealed about the promise which they both made when they had children. Our grandmothers didn't say anything about the promise and when Jennifer curiously about the promise, my grandmother replied,

"Oh, Jenny, you will get to know about that very very soon." And my grandma giggled at jenny's grandmother.

Oh, did I just say jenny instead of Jennifer? What happened to me?!

The moment I saw Jenny....I meant Jennifer in her pink gown, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked like an angel.

There was something odd about this party, there were no people except for Jennifer's family and my family.

"Were are everybody mom?" I asked my mom with puzzled look.

"Mm-hmm, don't worry silly, everyone will be here by seven." Mom said rubbing my shoulder.

"Ok..ay" I said bit unsure.

"Okay everyone, gather around here. I have.. sorry we both have a big announcement to make." Our grandmothers said holding their hands together up in the air.

We all gathered around them.  Jennifer's and my parents sat in front of our grandmothers and Dani sat too because she couldn't stand for a long time because of her small baby bump. Joe was standing on my right side and Kevin was standing on my left, he kept his left hand on Dani's shoulder.

"So, when Jenny asked about the promise, I said when the right time comes we will say. Well, we both guess that the right time has come." My grandmother said.

"The promise, that our beloved husbands made was the marriage of Nick and Jennifer." Jennifer's grandmother said.

I thought I heard wrong, I mean, how can two best friends forever fix my freaking marriage with someone I don't even know. I literally don't even remember my grandfather's face, he died when I was three, and that means even before me turning three, my marriage was fixed with a girl who just turned two at that time. I saw my whole world crashing down, I mean my bachelor world crashing down.

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