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Jennifer's p.o.v

By seven, all the guests arrived. And when our grandmothers announced about our marriage to all the guests, they all came to Nick and me and congratulated us.

"Nick, Jenny, please sit here." My grandmother said.

We both looked at each other, puzzled. We sat in the royal blue color sofa and my grandmother asked to everyone to gather around the sofa. And Nick's grandmother took two boxes from her purse. The boxes were in red and blue color and when she opened it, I saw Nick's eye bulging out in shock. It was kind of cute. Later, when I turned to see what made him so shocked, I was sure that even my eyes bulged in shock.

It was two rings, diamond rings. Nick's grandma handed one ring to me and one to Nick.

"As everyone know, that their marriage is fixed. Today, they will be engaged and 10 days later, they will get married in India." My father announced.

My head snapped to him.  I am getting married to a jerk in India? That too in 10 days?

Do I get to say anything in this? I thought to myself. I hated Nick, I don't know why, but I don't like him. They way he is looks at me and the way he is so dashing and perfect irritated me.

"Nick, put the ring on Jenny's finger. Come on." Nick's mother said with a pat on his shoulder.

I noticed Nick,looking at the ring,  like he was lost in thoughts.

"Nick..." His father called him. Nick looked at his father as his train of thoughts were broken. He looked at my hand. I closed my eyes, I didn't know what else to do, so I just closed my eyes.

Within seconds, I felt a hand, a cold hand holding my hand. The feeling was so soothing, though it was just holding hands, I felt a protectiveness. Like, I felt his protectiveness. I opened my eyes, to see, Nick holding my hands, looking at me for the permission. My mind wasn't sure what to do,  but my heart gave me the answer. The answer was passed to him  in a small nod. He had a small genuine smile and then he put the ring on my finger.

I hold the ring in my hand. I took a hold of his hand and I just looked at him. His eyes was blank. It held no emotion. But I remembered what our grandmothers said to us and with their advice I put the ring on his finger.

Everyone clapped their hands and again congratulated us. 

The party went on for three, four hours more.  Our parents planned  about tomorrow's shopping too. Tomorrow, we all will be going to different shops to buy different wedding necessary thing. Then on 25th of this month we will leave to India and on 30th, Nick's and my marriage will be held.

As we reached our house, I didn't stay in the hall for a talk with my parents, I  just went to my room and did, the thing that I was holding back for past few hours.

I cried.

I cried.

And again,

I cried.

~~~~Nick's p.o.v.~~~~

As we reached our house, I threw my ribbon, that was on my neck and took my car key.

"Where are you going?" I heard Joe calling out from behind me.

"Don't come after me" I yelled and stormed out of my house. I head my parents, my brothers, my sister-in-law, all calling out for me. But I just didn't care and took my car and went to the nearest club in the highest speed.

Thankfully, there was a hat and scarf in the car. I always keep them inside, it comes handy, you know.

The bartender asked me what would I like to drink and without even thinking, I said the first drink that came into my mind, I didn't care about my diabetes and said Vodka.

I didn't pour soda or water in vodka and swallowed the liquid down my throat. Instantly I regretted, at the burning sensation, but I didn't care and ordered more. After 4 or 5 pegs, I lost count.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to find my brothers. They were angry at me. Their expression explained it.

"Aw, are you guys angry at your lil brothaaa...." I slurred, laughing a bit, I think.

I saw Kevin taking a deep breath. "You have any idea what time is it?" He shouted at me.

I started to check my watch, but I couldn't see properly as I felt my head spinning and I mumbled something.

"Never mind, Joe  catching from that side. I hope your pretty ass get up at seven in the morning, so that we could leave at eight." Kevin said.

I came to a standing position, with both my brothers on either side of me. I couldn't stand straight as my leg started to give up and as I was about to hit the ground, Joe caught me. I kept my head on his shoulder.

"Where is Kevin?" I asked a bit disappointed, as I couldn't find my oldest brother.

"He went to pay the bill." Joe said.

Kevin came within five minutes and and went to Kevin's car.

"Hey, leave me, I will come in my car." I said to them. My  hands going to my pocket to search for my keys, but I couldn't find it.

"Nick, get in the car, Rob will take your car from here." Joe said a lot more calmed.

And before I got time to respond, I was pushed into the car.

I woke up when I felt someone shaking me In the morning.

"No, go away, I want to sleep." I said burying my head deep into the pillow.

"Uh uh, no get up buddy. You asked for it. You didn't have to sit in the club for that long." Kevin said with mocking voice.

"Nooooooo." I said in a lazy voice.

"Joe, Frankie come on in guys." Kevin said and then came in two very noisy boys.

Frankie, jumped on top of me.  "Get up, get up. We have to go shopping with Jenny." Frankie said.

Then everything, came like a recorded video in my mind. I thought that shopping wasn't going to take that long, boy I was wrong then.

As soon as I got up in the bed, I regretted very much. My head was painful like hell. I felt like there were tons on stones thrown on my head. I kept my hand on my head.

"Ah. It hurts... A l.lot.. Give me a aspirin please." I stammered.

"No, you won't get any aspirin , because you were the one who was in the club till four in the morning." Kevin said.

"Get up fast, eat something or your sugar level will go down and get ready too." Joe said.

~~~Two hours later.~~~

Jennifer's p.o.v

I looked at Nick, who was walking beside me. He kept his sunglasses on. And every now and then he would say 'ouch' 'ouch'. When I asked if he was alright. He said he's fine with a forced smile. I knew he was not.

"Joe, what happened to Nick? Why is he saying 'ouch' 'ouch' every time?" I asked.

Joe looked at Nick, and laughed a bit. "It's nothing, Nick went to a club last night, after coming from the party and returned at four in the morning and we didn't let him have painkillers as it might make him sick. You know because of this diabetes." Joe said.

"Oh. Okay." I said.

I completely forgot about his diabetes. And from now on I should start to know more about diabetes, so that I can take care of him in future.

After all his is gonna be my husband right. Oh, wait, did I just thought about taking care of a person who I hate.

What is happening to me?

Author's note-

There goes another chapter. Guys of anyone is reading, I just wanna tell you that my class will start day after tomorrow, so I might update only twice a week. But surprisingly if I get more time, I will update more than 2 time.
Spread love.

Things Will Never Be The Same.(Nick Jonas) [COMPLETED.]Where stories live. Discover now